I love going on Youtube and watching Tag videos and one going around is "whats on my iPhone or iPad" well i don't have an iPad but i have an iphone4S so this should do it...
The Iphone has changed my life! i am in love with this little piece of technology! i have no idea where id be without this now! keeps my note, reminder, alerts, appointments, and what not. Husband gets on me for the way i have my phone organized BUT it works for me! every one is different! what is important and used more frequently for me, may not be for him. So this is what looks like.
My wall paper is my husband and i when i was 4 months preggo and we were in San Francisco. I love this picture! iv featured it here, and here. What can i say its a favorite! and its coming up on a future post AGAIN! on my lock screen you will find my daughter and i sharing a sweet kissy!
I have two pages and folders like this

Second page, pandora, reminders, the bible. Find friend! let me tell you a little about this! its an app that can track you and your friends can find you, say if you were at Coffee bean it will pull up your location to them. WELL! the hubby and i use this for each other. not like stalking or anything like that because when you don't hide anything from each other then no need to fret on privacy talk. Well one weekend we were at home hanging out and having a few beers with friends( i was not drinking this night) So i drove my bestie to get food and snacks to for the rest to our local 711. We got home and i could have sworn i had my phone husby confirmed. long story short they said to forget it and watch movie, so i did. End of the night NO PHONE. husband fell asleep on me. i had the clever idea to look for me on his phone! WHAT HAVE YOU IT WAS AT 711!!!! so 2 am and i drove down there. and had to identify it since it died and couldn't show him pictures. i got my phone back!!!! my bra!!!! i refer to my phone as my bra since i cant ever leave home with out it or my bra! :) so THANK YOU "find friends"
on to my folders and APPS
i have the basics here...
I have ABC and CW so i can catch up on any missed episodes of my shows!
this calorie counter for meals.
US today so i cant catch up on events
and that's all.
Most used would be my beloved Pic stitch!
no need to explain the rest right? simple apps for editing or filters to upload on IG (instagram) :)
Quotes ect,
i go in to this folder daily and every morning for some positivity and some good motivation to kick start my day. sippin' my coffee and reading some quotes.
Here we have the apps i dont always use but come in handy! Mostly movie apps, and where to find the cheaper gas! itv to find and be notified of my favorite shows! its a must!
i am not one for games! i don't have the patience! i just get bored of them too quickly! so this all i have in this department. if i download a game i will play for a week and end up deleting the app. i tired draw something. fail. played temple run. fail. so i just give up! i cant even play the simple ones like Mario kart i just don't have that bone in my body. although sometimes i wish i could learn and LOVE to play Call of Duty so i can play with the husband, BUT that wont ever happen!
My folder contains one beauty app which helps me find a product by breaking it down as far as my needs! and the rest is helpful stuff like web MD and baby MD because i am Such a reader and a googler! Pinterest of COURSE! P tracker for my little monthly friend. craft finder is neat i haven't played too much with it but i like it so it stays!

I used to have a folder named "isla" with all her educational apps and little games, flash cards etc. but now my daughter has mommy's old iPhone with nothing but her fun stuff. :) i think we may have the youngest being with an iPhone!
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