Friday, October 4, 2013

Hello Fall

I can't believe that it's October and even more so I can't believe that I haven't posted in over 5 months! Yikes. Life. 

So much going on and so much anticipation in this month! New baby should make her arrival soon and we are so ready for her! Big sister is prepared and so excited for new role she is taking. Knowing the two most important rules 1. No touching babies head. 2. Only hold sister when a grown up helps you hold her. She has this down! You ask her the rules and she claims the above. I just hope she transitions well and mommy and daddy will make sure of it! It's what has me loosing sleep at night just thinking about isla and how I have to leave her to go to hospital. We will cross that bridge when we get there Dayana!!! 
It's all I keep saying to my self. 

So I'm currently term. 37 weeks and 3 days preggo! Almost there! I am definitely feeling like I did with isla. Ready to reclaim my body and hold my accomplishment. Isla came at this mark but hang in just a little longer darling we have your sisters birthday celebration(first weekend after her birthday) this Sunday and pumpkin patch this Saturday! After this weekend it's fair game and you can make your appearance! We are so ready for baby BUT still have to pack hospital bag for hubby and I. Also Islas over night bag too for grandmas house. Breaks my heart I'll spend two days away from her. Okay I need to stop now  or I'll start crying. Baby number two is doing wonderful and in position already so now we have I sit and like I said just wait...

Isla is potty trained and excelled earlier this summer, No accidents, dry over nights, and loved her big girl undies! Three! My daughter is three!!! I can't believe she is three! We enjoyed being able to watch her excitement this year for birthday from last. The anticipation of the upcoming day was so fun! We did a few birthday related activities and she just loved the lead up. On September 26 th she woke up to balloons on the walls and all around her,  a birthday banner along with her birthday presents followed by a special breakfast. We also had prepared her telling her we were going to take her to a birthday surprise trip. Needless to say for the last couple days she was working us to try to get the surprise out of us. We didn't budge, we got in our car that morning and took off to Long beach to The Aquarium of the Pacific and boy was she surprised! She loved the trip! We came home to play with her new gifts from that morning and enjoyed an evening with her little cousins and pizza and cake! This weekend we plan on her little celebration with a few of her little friends. Can't wait for that. 

So now we are in full on GO mode and anticipating the arrival of baby number two and this month not only kicks off the holiday season but our merry little family is about to be rocked! So I am trying to really focus on Isla and make her feel special and not feel any sort of rift, I know it it's only normal but she is very bright and so perceptive to feelings and I know she feels this baby coming because she is really testing us not super out of line but she pushes mommy so much more. I have also noticed that although my hold is a mamas girl she has times'ed that by 10. Like she won't let me out of her view. I love to see her follow me around but when I want her to play independently she asks me so sweetly " mommy watch me play" I can't resist! 

So we take this on a day at a time and just wait it to see what comes next...

Enjoy fall!