
Thought it would be fun to share a little about me and see what i can come up with...

1. I am OBSESSED with making list! like really obsessed i pretty much write notes for my notes lets just leave it at that!
2. when i am passionate about something i go above and beyond be it a subject or an activity
3. Iv always wanted to be a mortician
4. at one point i felt as though having kids was not for me, and now i couldn't imagine my life with out my daughter i full heartily became a mother.
5. my favorite color is bubble gum pink
6. i may have the biggest sweet tooth possible
7. i met my husband on myspace
8. i can get talked in to buying things i really don't need.
9. i may be small but i find my self struggling with keeping up with my weight.
10. I cant stick to a diet or a regimen if my life depended on it
11. sometimes i struggle with finding the motivation to get out of bed part of that i think is because i have guilt of leaving my daughter
12. i can be a little up tight sometimes
13. I LOVE TO READ!   NERD alert! NERD alert! i love anything i can get in to. Suspense, mystery is my favorite page turner. 
14. i miss being able to sleep even when baby is at Gama's
15. i am jealous of the whoever takes care of my daughter when i am at work and this a constant battle.
16. i can admit if i am wrong i am good about taking the blame
17. i love to talk, sometimes my mouth runs away with me
18. i am a softy and easily get my feelings hurt something i would never admit to people
19. i get very upset when anyone pages through my magazine before i DO! celeb gossip is serious business!
20. i love to cook many people don't know this about me
21.  i can be very vain sometimes example i got a cold sore once and literally cried at the sight.
22. i love to cuddle
23. i have so many expectations on what i want my life to play out
24. I make my daughters baby food all organic and fresh
25. i hope to be able to stay home with my little(s) one day
26. i usually take on more than i can handle
27. i have 11 tattoos
28. I want to make my mother proud even though she thinks i don't appreciate her like i should i want her to know that i love her more than she could imagine and since becoming a mother i know just what she must have felt when she had her children.
29. we struggled with money at times growing up but NEVER did i ever need anything my parents always went above and beyond to ensure we were taken care of before their needs. i admire their parenting.
30. i am an old soul

 SO there you have it here are just a few things off the top of my head, i like to think that i am a people person. I strive as cheesy as it sounds to shower people with kindness and that is JUST ME. I love the life i live and i love my life! i have fulfilled my dream of becoming who i wanted to be. 
My heart is whole.
My whole world fits in my arms!