Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dear isla,

I love it when You cradle my face in your little hands and capture my attention with those beautiful dark eyes of yours, any time something catches your attention! Saying to me " mommy what that? What the noise?" You melt my heart little girl! You do it so tenderly and yet over enthusiastically(is that even a word?) does that make sense? :) you get so happy learning about new sounds and what is out there, weather it be a motorcycle passing by or an airplane in the sky. You are so curios and I love how much you love to learn! Nothing gives me more pleasure then to stop right that moment and give you the answer to Your pending question. Simple things like that remind me of just how rewarding it is to be your mommy see my creation grow into this little being that makes life so worth the it! You give me purpose! I never existed until you. Daddy and you make my world go round. I hope you can appreciate this entry and know that mommy would love to know you continue to expand your horizon, I love you through and through little lady!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Dear Isla,
another year is upon us and i cant help but get emotional just thinking of how far we have come. These last two years with you have been heaven. I STILL look at you and cant beleive you are ours! i love you so much i dont know how life was before you and i dont miss any of it. you have brought me so much joy so much emotion in the little time iv known you and yet i love you that much i cant imagine life without you. These past few months since i stopped working iv cherished so much. I get to be with you every step of the day. I miss you when you are asleep! you are my little companion,my go to, my little girl,my all! i love all the time we share. I am bleseed to be able to see see your development and enjoy every smile and giggle along the way! You are amazing kid! I can have conversations with you now and it's awesome! I love when you say things and people ask me " what she say" when it's a little unclear, I love that I understand everything you say and get a little annoyed when they don't give you enough credit when you speak. Not that it's a big deal because its not but I always make sure to correct what they "think" you said with what you actually said. So you know that you did say it correct. It's little silly things like that I mean. Nonetheless you are my daughter and daddy seems to think you have my personality! His looks but mommy's "attitude" I'll take that! I love to watch you on the playground or your little classes we attend. My little social butterfly! My little lover, you make friends everywhere we go. Such a sweet and nice girl! I love when we go to a restaurant and we are done ordering and you say; " thank you much very much" so cute! Daddy and i like to ask you questions and hear your little input. For example we say we are going to your cousins house and mentioned we would stop to get you some French fries and you will say " fries first" "then Titi house( that's your aunts house you mean you call her titi instead of the traditional Tia) it's amazing how you understand the concept of order. You amaze me daily with the words you bput together and your actions. So if you didn't gather my drift on this lets just say you are a talker! Lately you have been a teeny tiny fussy but I blame those molars. They have you good! You want mommy so much more and I love it! We get you to use your words when you get frustrated with your teething and tell me " owie mouth" I hate that it hurts you but love that you can identify what hurts! You also tell me "mommy tummy hurts" I can tell when it hurts or your just hungry!I love that I know you so well! I love that you know me so well! When you do something your not supposed to and I scold you get upset at me and say "sorry mommy" and flash your big eyes at me. In recognition of what you have done. You currently are in the TWOS with the recent "mine" stage. Daddy hugs me you say " no daddy no my mommy" or with your toys you usually are a great sharer. We are hoping to rid you of this habit as quickly as it came! One thing for sure of this mine stage I love that I am yours. So many beautiful moments we have shared this year as we watch you grow in to your self and I can't help but wish for the hands on the clock to slow Down some. You are amazing in all that you do! I look forward to what is to come this year! May we be blessed with many many more New Years together! I love you through and through!