Baby was a little sickie girl, it all came so suddenly! Thursday night we went on a family walk to get water from the water store, stopped by the park and Isla was acting just fine. As the night came and she started to whine down she got a little cranky i just chopped it up to its bed time. Well I put her down at 8:00 and she was asleep for a couple hours, i walked in at 10:00 to check on her and she laid there saying " mama" as i opened the door. I walked over to the bed(yes she was on our bed, and no she does not fall off the bed) i went to snuggle her and she felt hot to me so i took her temp and YUP! 99.8 low grade fever! :( it ended up getting to 101.8 within the hour so i decided to give her some Tylenol and undress her. Seemed to have worked a little. COME 3 AM and i was woken up to the sound of her dry heaving as if she were to throw up she spit up and this point was spitting up vile! I was so sad for her! She ended up getting as high as 103.2 in the morning she spit up again and was not acting like her self so towards the end of the day and no luck breaking the fever, even after my Motrin and Tylenol rotation we made went to urgent care. SO my daughter has duel ear infections. She is on antibiotic now and we are working on getting better!
Saturday we decided to try and get her out of the house, Grama had got us tickets for a train ride on Thomas the tank! We couldn't miss it! So we decided to take it on. We did JUST the train ride. This even had a jolly jump and stands with food and drinks and junk food! Little activities for the kids too so we tried to do a few things but she was slowly fading. So we went on the train ride and after it was over we headed home!
those were really the highlights of the weekend, my highlight was taking care of my little baby! staying home with her and playing STAY at home mama! Lets let the pictures tell it all!
Once she felt better we went to the park and resumed our regular routine! daily walks! i love how she grabs my hand and leads me to her stoller! melts my heart, or when we are turning the corner and she yells "sliiiiide" at the site of the park in the distance! little miss smarty! knows her way there!

AND randoms mostly Instagram photos
Sisters Birthday Brunch
Isla's New little Puppy that her Cousin so generously gave her! His name is "doggie"
Eating a banana with that ever so famous pinky thing she does! seeesh she is a girly girl! and those LIPS AND EYES! WOW! i am i love! blame me much?!?!
Of course i had to get her to kiss this post it and i labeled it first lipstick kiss playing around with mama and in to her baby book this went!
SO the above picture was because of this here! i wanted to see how my new lipstick looked on her! JUST lipstick here!
I really liked this outfit i pulled together! so i wanted to pose with Isla but she left me!
Finding a new use for her old Boppy!
Monday! took that day off since isla is on the mend BUT still kept me up all hours of the night! and as you can see i snoozed off and so did she apparently! Picture cred: Husband's iPhone.
Thought this was a neat picture! my camera shot off while on my lap and it captured this! sort of neat huh? this was after some rain sky!
sort of dark! but how adorable are those legs!?!!
My real life Dolly! GOSH i am in love!
One of my favorite pictures of us! My mother in law gifted me this for Christmas! :)
Story time book! hand picked by Isla
Must have been boring because i was reading and... she fell asleep on me! LOL again with the weird sleeping positions!

I tried yellow nails and at first i was like EH' do i like them?!?!? ummmm... and they grew on me!
And that's all we caught up from Friday until Friday! oh wow! a whole week! :)
Isla is so pretty and I just love, love, love her name! I"m sorry she was a sickie though. When I was a child, I always got ear infections and they really are the worst.
ReplyDeleteTHANK YOU SO MUCH! its hard, but we are getting through it!:) thank you so much for stopping by!