Thursday, May 31, 2012

20 Months Old

My daughter is 4 months away from turning TWO! where in the world has the time gone? when did this happen?
my life is so complete since she was born, nothing can compare the way she makes my world! I could have never imagined my life like this! its my perfect! Isla is growing so much and impresses me DAILY! So full of life she lights up our home! Her toys are everywhere and that's the way i love it!

Our little miss is growing up so quickly and making her mark on us one day at a time!

  • weighs 20 pounds 1 ounce she is certainly tiny but her pediatrician thinks she is growing beautifully and since i am petite she has no concerns. 
  • Still in a size 3 diaper
  • she is in 18-24 month pants but most bottoms that fit her waist is 12 months 
  • Isla has a big foot so adorable she is so tiny and a size 4 quickly growing in to a size 5 
Her development is amazing and i know i say that a lot but i am so impressed by her vocabulary. This little girl talks so much and is very confident. It makes us laugh at her "Stop it" and "no no's" This little girl talks A LOT! more than iv seen and experience with other kids her age or older. AMAZING!  I ask her "how are you" and she says "Good" or if she falls or i see she gets hurt i ask "are you okay?" she says "i okay" She minds her please and thank you's its adorable. If we run through a drive through she is the first to thank the drive through person helping us. SO adorable!
Having a daughter is so amazing! i still cant believe she is ours and that she is here!Isla is my little best friend.  Life with her is an experience! We like to play sorting, and counting and we also do flashcards. 
CRAZY to think in 4 months i will have a TWO year old! 

Activities she likes
  •  paiting
  • coloring
  • Books
  • the park 
  • running
  • sorting
  • playing with her baby 

Isla still sleeps through the night and usually in bed by 9 and sleeps until 9 its been this way since she was three months old. However we used to get her down at 8 but since she dropped a nap iv had a hard time getting her back to her normal schedule. So she naps only once a day for two hours.

Isla Eats so well! since i made her baby food i make sure to keep her on a well balanced meal plan. a lot of veggies, fruits, some meat. Pastas. and good choice snacks. Isla is very confident, independent little girl. i love that she is independent although i wish she still needs me more than she does at times. Of course she needs me but she rather do things like feed her self alone now. makes me sad but i love that she is so independent.
 i have to get used to my little miss growing up. 

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

According to my iphone and our FIRST boo boo and a trip to the ER

WHAT a freaking week its been yesterday was a week since our first real parenting milestone. 
The evening started off as our regular evening stroll to the park. sometimes daddy joins us like this evening. it was all fun and the hubby wanted to take her to the big kids side with the big kids swings. Isla was laughing at daddy's noises and how high he was going. Long story short he jumps off Isla wiggles off my legs and before i can grab her or the swing it hit her clear under her nose and right above her lip. UGH! it was all in slow motion and yet i couldn't move quick enough. There was a clear gash before it covered with blood you could literally stick a nickel in there size gash! GEEEEZZZE! i started crying(yes me) baby cried because she wanted to go back on the swings. Since we walked to the park we had to call Grama to come get us. she came quickly and we took her to her kaiser urgent care. They then sent us to CMH where there were specialist to assist with children. Off we went and hours hours later we had a sedated, stitched baby and a mama who cried more and experienced her first panic attack EVER! i composed my self though and made it through. i didn't go to work since i couldn't sleep a wink scared since she was medicated.
 THE HARDEST experience thus far.There arent words to describe what i felt this day. so helpless and wishing i could trade places with my child.

Before the boo boo! 

 So sad to see my baby this way! and poor daddy! he was so worried.

My little baby! so little and so brave! 3 stitches before TWO
The rest of the week went well. We didn't do too much. Friday We did a couples date night, Pizza, wine, beer and a movie.

 That Slurpee is filled with Wine... talk about cheap dates huh!?! we bring our own wine! To the movie we brought along the wine and well i made it 10 minutes before falling asleep! YUP asleep! Good thing it was a steal deal on tickets or else i would feel terrible! But according to the others the movie sucked anyway.

 Saturday we just hung out all day! I picked her up from grama's and grandpas and we did a lot of lounging and mommy did a lot of this 

I finished all three books of the Fifty shades trilogy. all in less than a week! UGH! i want MORE! more! 
 more! I cant wait for the movie now! This past weekend it was wine, and MR. Grey!

Saturday we Also got to play with a family friends little girl while her mommy and daddy moved to a new house. after that play date we headed out to a family friends graduation party! i was a pleasant evening.

Sunday and Monday was a lot of lounging again just how i liked it since Sunday we had to take her to get the stitches removed five days later. We got through that! 

How adorable is my little miss?!?! UGH! she is getting so BIG! 
That was our MDW long weekend! and it was a total LONG week for me! After the stitches incident.

how was your weekend?!? 

Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend of 1980

AND pictures as told by my iPhone and instagram

We had a good weekend! it was a fun filled one!

Friday night was super easy we spent some time with Gramas's We also went to my little Nephews orange belt ceremony for his karate. SO neat! ran some errands and headed home. Once Baby was asleep we finalized our outfits for our Saturday 80's party. That was fun!
 on our way to grama's in the top right picture! check out her face! lol! she loves being with grama so dont let her fool you! someone was tired.  after a quick energy drink stop we began to get ready!

Saturday we had a graduation lunch to attend. We then headed to my mother in laws and hung out and dropped off Isla for the night. Went home to get 1980fied! SO neat to see the transformation.

so we partied the whole night! and actually we were home and in bed before a typical bar would close! lol! We had so much fun none the less!

   Can i just say i didn't Buy ONE thing for my get up?!?! YUP! all from my closet! as the night went on i changed in to my chucks!

Sunday was so relaxing and slow. I finished my book fifty shades of grey and i cant wait to start the next one!!!! The husband and a family friend (who i love) played basketball and came home and decided to make a late dinner and i was already in bed with isla watching my TV shows like the Client list and the new season of Keeping up with the Kardashians and a glass of wine! so i was being a little brat and the husband was being so cute sending me little texts as we were in separate rooms!
this girl has the oddest sleeping positions!

 Please excuse the middle finger in one of the pictures :|

US!  Typical. my husband is always so sweet to me!

above i made the convo bigger and wanted to share my rad nail color and of course my glass of wine as i lay warm in bed! 


MONDAY! was a little hard since i have to head back to work and my daughter woke up. we spent some time fed her breakfast and cuddled her. WELL she still wouldn't let me go when i tried putting her down with daddy she would cry and reach out to me. SINCE my daughter is my priority i called in and made and excuse and stayed in bed with her as i cuddled her to sleep again! my poor baby! i will see her on my lunch break soon!

No make up lounging this morning!
after some breakfast and cuddles

its gloomy for us today so  i figured id add my own color to my day!

SO that was my weekend how was your weekend?

OH and i thought id include this since i think i instagramed it and never shared.

i found this idea on Pinterest of course  i decided to recreate it my way. I typed out the wording and bought a frame and all it is you write the note on the glass so yo are able to erase and re do as need be. i thought this was a neat idea to communicate and be positive with each other. As isla gets older i think i will do this with her too a mommy and daughter version. this is from the husband to me :)

Well said HUSBAND!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Beauty Wednesday

My Favorite Lipsticks!

i thought it would be fun to share my favorite most used lipsticks! 

i have written about my Revlon Stormy pink which is would say is my HOLY GRAIL of a lipstick. i am not one for gloss i cant stand it sticking to my hair then transferring to my face. So instead i am a lipstick fan. i also rather have matte over shimmery or glittery. 

 Stormy pink 
Smoked Peach
Nude attitude I didn't swatch it so i apologize it didn't really come up on camera anyway i like to use that to sort of wash out a really bright color or a little of the nude and some chap-sticks.

Ruby Roo
Viva glam Nicki 
on days when i don't want heavy lip color!
strawberry shortcake 

SO here we are the ones i love and the ones i reach for the most!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My family is my ENTIRE world!

 i could have never  imagined that my life would turn out this way. Things are NOT always perfect, but they are my sort of PERFECT! I love my husband and our daughter with ever fiber in my body. I live a life that is fulfilled. filled with people i love and the people that mean the most. Blessed to have friendships that aren't only friends but feel like family! Growing up you play pretend and imagine being a mommy and playing with your dolls and calling them your baby. without really understanding the extent of what life is really about. If it was fun then... its 20 million times better having the real thing. I am a wonderful man's wife. I am Isla's mommy! i have my little family, i am still taken back and humbled by the lord at how GREAT he truly has been to me. I  have love, a roof, over my head, clothes on my back, food on our table, and above it all i have FAMILY. I have them! The other night my husband and i laid in bed and enjoyed a nice "pillow talk" session. it was so nice to just lay there with him and hold him and talk. I quizzed him with the "husband tag" and not to my surprise this man knows me inside and out. i think its safe to say we may know each other better than the couples who have been married over 20 years. YUP i said it! we are that close and that confident! bring on the dating show!

This Day  i had a moment (like other times) of WOW i she is HERE! we have our dream baby! i have a husband. it was so much fun. If you know us on a personal level you know my husband and i are goof balls. i love that he keeps me laughing and does not sugar coat anything. i am not afraid to be my self. i am goofy. My sister told us this day. "gosh you guys are meant for each other"  because of these...

We love to play. its what we do! i yell at him to quit smacking my ass at times but its what we do! he loves it! and  i am lucky my husband is so obsessed with my booty and my body he cant take his hands off me right!?! :) ill worry when he is not!
We captured some beautiful pictures and i am so happy! we had fun and captured us!

I am blessed. My husband loves his child and loves his wife. what more do i need? i am breathing and my heart beats for them!

Thank you lord for this life i am blessed to be living. you are great! you show me through my daughter how wonderful you are!


 photo cred: my sister!  she is wonderul and so talented!