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Draw a circle not a heart around the person you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever... |
Where to begin it’s been sometime since I have though about writing this out. See I am creating a journal for my daughter in where I write her my thoughts, memories, milestones. It’s a journal where I am allowed to get mushy and gushy and that I DO! I warned her in the first pages. I have written out her “birthday story” but I have yet to tell her how mommy and daddy met. SO I figured this could be a double whammy!
It was the year 2005 (yup! been together for 6 years now) there is this thing called MySpace. Heard of it? Hehe. Okay so this is one of those online things you don’t ever hear work out. In fact you hear so many people who will shine against it because well there are some real creeps out there and you can’t be very trusting. The part we can’t figure out is who requested who. I can’t remember if it was me or him he says me I say him. But you know I think it was me! I was taking this web design class I needed to get credit for a class I had failed in high school yeah yeah naughty naughty I know but let’s not get in to that. Okay so this classes we all had computers in front of us for the purpose of learning flash. We had a real laid back teacher who we loved to call Mr. Hendawg his name was Henry he would have us call him Mr. Henry. So often he allowed us to have some “fun time” where you were free to go on the Internet and do personal things as long as it was not XXX rated. MySpace was the thing to do back in 2005 from what I remember a girl in our class got out little groups attention(I dragged two of my girlfriend to this class for companionship) telling us about this guys she was going on a date with I found later my now husband had NO IDEA who she was. This is where the who request who plays in… call me curious maybe I did. BUT it was him who made the first move, he sent me an email saying hello and just wanted to tell you, you have beautiful eyes. Cha-ching! One thing led to another and he asked me for my number and we exchanged text from then on, we talked on the phone and decided to meet up, well im not sure how trusting I could be but we did exchange picture messages some good and some well for his eyes only so I decided if this was going to go down then it would be in my turf. I invited him over to my house and he came over and we watched a movie in my room! I can’t believe my parents allowed this. Yikes! We watched “how to lose a guy in 10 days” appropriate right!?! I know! What can I say it is one of my fave five! Well towards the end of the movie he kissed me and I am pretty sure after that, we were inseparable and to this day we are still that way. We are lovey dovey and kissy kissy We met each others families, and friends and he saw I was cool get along with my dude’s chick! I went everywhere with him! We were in LOVE! Now our love story has not been perfect with a few break ups here and there but I think we both realized that the grass in NOT greener on the other side that its better to live with each other than with out! Our relationship has over come some obstacles and made us stronger. Today I am blessed to say that now I am married to my best friend! Although our matrimony was not traditional (because I was already pregnant with Isla) we figured it would be the best thing to get married and have this baby IN wedlock.
So September 17, 2010 I married my best friend, my rock, my confidant, my SOUL MATE. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me I life this man! He makes me smile and he makes me laugh! I love our pillow talks and our randomness. We tell each other everything! Our relationship is founded on love and appreciation. When things are tough we stick closer, when we get in a fight and I freak out and push him away he holds me tighter! This man is wonderful! My daughter is so lucky to have him as her da-da! I am blessed to call him the father of my daughter! A relationship takes work, it is never easy but it is those moments that bind you closer. God made him for me and molded me from him. I have found him the one my soul desires! And for that I am FOREVER grateful!
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"Two shall become one flesh" "For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; and they shall become One Flesh" - Genesis 2.24.3 |
The love is something i do for my husband Everyday... i email him the love is... with a little note from me.