Monday, April 30, 2012

If my iphone could talk it would probably show you these

And our Weekend looked like this
it was a gorgeous day so we took my car for a wash and came home put baby down for nap and as i cleaned out the inside of the car and re organize and replenish my must haves in the car i tanned. Husband and i enjoyed the sun and listened to some Pandora and laid on a blankie on the grass! 
Saturday the husband and i decided to got our favorite Japanese Restaurant because i HAD TO HAVE sushi! iv been craving since forever! and its a win win for us he gets his filet Mignon and spicy chicken. We had our mutual friends join us so it was a couple thing. We then went to our local three dollar theater where you guessed it all showing are 3.00 and what plays there are the movies that just left the theater and going to DVD so we watched Project X and it was HILARIUS! so glad we only spent 3.00 on it!

LATER after the movie i decided i was way too Hyper and my inner Cereal QUEEN came out. if you know me you know that cereal is my favorite food! YES i can eat it morning, noon, and night! YUP. i was a bit hyper and i am sure the husband wanted to shut me up since it was almost 1:30 so we drove to our nearest CVS to get my fix! :) thanks hunny! We had not done that in so long! 
We felt sorta funny leaving at that hour to go get something to eat since baby was with my parents for the night We felt like rebels! So funny how things change! 

So here we have my outfit with my favorite mint jeans and nude pumps, my meal, and my night cap! 

 AS SOON AS I WOKE UP i went and picked up my baby at 9:00 AM! WE drove around for a little run few quick errands and to make up for leaving her mommy and daddy had to but her a new Diego DVD! SHE LOVES Diego!  Sunday was WAY relaxed we ate, lounge, ate, lounged, played, shared some more cereal and called it a night.

Below is isla as she watched Diego with her yummy snacks, as she watched we cuddled, i ate lunch from out fav Mexican food place down the street and caught up on some reading.
Baby fell asleep and i ate some rasinets and touched up my nails

 Some more random pictures me being gooffy with isla and some in the car pictures! :)
That's the most recent in my phone update! 

Hope you had a wonderful weekend and ENJOY your week!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Life Lately

In pictures!

Baby was a little sickie girl, it all came so suddenly! Thursday night we went on a family walk to get water from the water store, stopped by the park and Isla was acting just fine. As the night came and she started to whine down she got a little cranky i just chopped it up to its bed time. Well I put her down at 8:00 and she was asleep for a couple hours, i walked in at 10:00 to check on her and she laid there saying " mama" as i opened the door. I walked over to the bed(yes she was on our bed, and no she does not fall off the bed) i went to snuggle her and she felt hot to me so i took her temp and YUP! 99.8 low grade fever! :( it ended up getting to 101.8 within the hour so i decided to give her some Tylenol and undress her. Seemed to have worked a little. COME 3 AM and i was woken up to the sound of her dry heaving as if she were to throw up she spit up and this point was spitting up vile! I was so sad for her! She ended up getting as high as 103.2 in the morning she spit up again and was not acting like her self so towards the end of the day and no luck breaking the fever, even after my Motrin and Tylenol rotation we made went to urgent care. SO my daughter has duel ear infections. She is on antibiotic now and we are working on getting better!

Saturday we decided to try and get her out of the house, Grama had got us tickets for a train ride on Thomas the tank! We couldn't miss it! So we decided to take it on. We did JUST the train ride. This even had a jolly jump and stands with food and drinks and junk food! Little activities for the kids too so we tried to do a few things but she was slowly fading. So we went on the train ride and after it was over we headed home!

those were really the highlights of the weekend, my highlight was taking care of my little baby! staying home with her and playing STAY at home mama! Lets let the pictures tell it all!

Once she felt better we went to the park and resumed our regular routine! daily walks! i love how she grabs my hand and leads me to her stoller! melts my heart, or when we are turning the corner and she yells "sliiiiide" at the site of the park in the distance! little miss smarty! knows her way there!

AND randoms mostly Instagram photos

Sisters Birthday Brunch

Isla's New little Puppy that her Cousin so generously gave her!  His name is "doggie"

Eating a banana with that ever so famous pinky thing she does! seeesh she is a girly girl! and those LIPS AND EYES! WOW! i am i love! blame me much?!?! 

Of course i had to get her to kiss this post it and i labeled it first lipstick kiss playing around with mama and in to her  baby book this went!

 SO the above picture was because of this here! i wanted to see how my new lipstick looked on her! JUST lipstick here!
 I really liked this outfit i pulled together! so i wanted to pose with Isla but she left me!
 Finding a new use for her old Boppy!

Monday! took that day off since isla is on the mend BUT still kept me up all hours of the night! and as you can see i snoozed off and so did she apparently! Picture cred: Husband's iPhone.
 Thought this was a neat picture! my camera shot off while on my lap and it captured this! sort of neat huh? this was after some rain sky!
 sort of dark! but how adorable are those legs!?!!

My real life Dolly! GOSH i am in love! 

One of my favorite pictures of us! My mother in law gifted me this for Christmas! :) 

Story time book! hand picked by Isla 
 Must have been boring because i was reading and... she fell asleep on me! LOL again with the weird sleeping positions!

My old lady shoes, Men's style work shirt and skinny's! cant go wrong there! throw on some bright lips and cheeks and i am work READY!

I tried yellow nails and at first i was like EH' do i like them?!?!? ummmm... and they grew on me!

And that's all we caught up from Friday until Friday! oh wow! a whole week! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

What is on my iphone

I love going on Youtube and watching Tag videos and one going around is "whats on my iPhone or iPad" well i don't have an iPad but i have an iphone4S so this should do it... 

 The Iphone has changed my life! i am in love with this little piece of technology! i have no idea where id be without this now! keeps my note, reminder, alerts, appointments, and what not. Husband gets on me for the way i have my phone organized BUT it works for me! every one is different! what is important and used more frequently for me, may not be for him. So this is what looks like. 

My wall paper is my husband and i when i was 4 months preggo and we were in San Francisco. I love this picture! iv featured it here, and here. What can i say its a favorite! and its coming up on a future post AGAIN! on my lock screen you will find my daughter and i sharing a sweet kissy!

 I have two pages and folders like this

 On my front page i have my most used i would say: phone, email, messages, safari. Intagram, facebook,my blog,contacts, pictures and some other needed ones! like my clock and my calendar.

Second page, pandora, reminders, the bible. Find friend! let me tell you a little about this! its an app that can track you and your friends can find you, say if you were at Coffee bean it will pull up your location to them. WELL! the hubby and i use this for each other. not like stalking or anything like that because when you don't hide anything from each other then no need to fret on privacy talk. Well one weekend we were at home hanging out and having a few beers with friends( i was not drinking this night) So i drove my bestie to get food and snacks to for the rest to our local 711. We got home and i could have sworn i had my phone husby confirmed. long story short they said to forget it and watch movie, so i did. End of the night NO PHONE. husband fell asleep on me. i had the clever idea to look for me on his phone! WHAT HAVE YOU IT WAS AT 711!!!! so 2 am and i drove down there. and had to identify it since it died and couldn't show him pictures. i got my phone back!!!! my bra!!!! i refer to my phone as my bra since i cant ever leave home with out it or my bra! :) so THANK YOU "find friends"

on to my folders and APPS
i have the basics here... 
 I have ABC and CW so i can catch up on any missed episodes of my shows! 
this calorie counter for meals.
US today so i cant catch up on events
and that's all.
Most used would be my beloved Pic stitch!
no need to explain the rest right? simple apps for editing or filters to upload on IG (instagram) :)
 Quotes ect,
i go in to this folder daily and every morning for some positivity and some good motivation to kick start my day. sippin' my coffee and reading some quotes.
Here we have the apps  i dont always use but come in handy! Mostly movie apps, and where to find the cheaper gas! itv to find and be notified of my favorite shows! its a must!
i am not one for games! i don't have the patience! i just get bored of them too quickly! so this all i have in this department. if i download a game i will play for a week and end up deleting the app. i tired draw something. fail. played temple run. fail. so i just give up! i cant even play the simple ones like Mario kart i just don't have that bone in my body. although sometimes i wish i could learn and LOVE to play Call of Duty so i can play with the husband, BUT that wont ever happen!

My folder contains one beauty app which helps me find a product by breaking it down as far as my needs!  and the rest is helpful stuff like web MD and baby MD because i am Such a reader and a googler! Pinterest of COURSE! P tracker for my little monthly friend. craft finder is neat i haven't played too much with it but i like it so it stays! 
I used to have a folder named "isla" with all her educational apps and little games, flash cards etc. but now my daughter has mommy's old iPhone with nothing but her fun stuff. :) i think we may have the youngest being with an iPhone!

Monday, April 23, 2012


Seven Years... 

WOW!  you said to me the other night i was the second thing you have had the longest next to your Basketball card collection. Ill take that! Second the best. :) 

You see me at my best and unfortunately you also see me at my worst. What i love the most is how much you love me even at my rawest, my worst. You are so amazing! I know that i don't tell you enough, or show you enough. I know that you love me and i know you know i love you. It is so hard to find the words to express to you how much i love you and what you mean to me. I thank you for the last 7 years that you have given me. Then you were my boyfriend and now you are my husband. Most importantly you are my best friend and i am so blessed. YOU are my partner you are my love. it is so crazy to think back to when it all began and to see us now.All that we have been through, all of our memories. The things we have done and experience together. Many of my first have been shared with you. My favorite first is without a doubt the day we welcomed a baby 5 years in to our relationship. We are proud parents to a GORGEOUS little girl. THANK YOU for giving me the best present in the world. your love and our daughter! I love you in all your ways, you make me laugh and keep me laughing even when i want to be mad at you to prove my point, you get giggles out of me! Thank you for not taking life too serious and helping to ease through our hard times. We work so well together and don't let life bring us down. i love that you will do what ever you can to keep me happy and to keep me smiling. We are great together. YOU are my best friend and i love spending my life with you! i love that you would rather be with me and have be by your side whenever you can even on boys night you try, but i know you deserve that time! I love that you tell me everything, i love you don't sugar coat anything. i love that sometimes you finish my sentences. I love that at times you say what i am thinking before i say it. SO  a huge shout out to Myspace! ;) I look forward to all that's to come! i cant wait to take this journey on with you, beside me and with our little lady next to us. Who knows maybe this time next year we will be FOUR.

THREE hand squeezes( we have been doing this since we started saying i love you way back when) 

i life you.

"You were meant for me, I believe you were sent to me from a dream straight into
To my arms"

Happy Anniversary Baby! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

The things my Iphone has seen...

 She thought the flash was hilarious this night...

 I walked in home for lunch saying  "mama is home" and this came out the bedroom!
 I love rolling around with her playing and letting her little body lay against mine!
 Say hi mama!!!
I am in for it!
 Iv got a climber! Ahhhhhh! SAVE ME!

 and that resulted in this
< TIME out... for a minute! 
 Date night and a birthday celebration with this GORGEOUS LADY below! a mandatory bathroom picture! who cares if we dressed up to go sit in a dark theater! WE went to dinner first! :)
 Sometimes we eat in the car while the little sleeps.... daddy was picking up the order and i entertained my self...
 She Lives the life i tell ya! when mommy is home is one spoiled baby!

 I loved this day! and her little shorts she finally fits in! size 9 month she is almost 19 months!!!
 Get in my tummy "nana"
 Daddy messing around with her and she did so good balancing it!

 i just LOVE her little body!
 Some art time after dinner!

 OBSESSED with candles!
 Nothing i love more than to be able to come home on my lunch, feed, and get her dressed for the day and put her down for her nap! i try not to miss a thing!

Went from  this to 


THIS quickly became one of my favorite pictures of us!

So lets end with this! :)