Wednesday, October 29, 2014

My first born

Happy Birthday princess! 

Wow! 4 years ago on September 26th you gave me the privilege of becoming your mommy. I can't Believe you are 4 now. Daddy just got back from his training and we were still in California about to embark on our trip to our new home for the next 4 years in Texas. None the less we wanted to do something special for you and asked you what you wanted to do for your special day and you wanted to go to the aquarium of the pacific so for the second year in a row. The weekend before was the Santa Barbara zoo. We wanted to make it so special for you. So off we went on a "birthday surprise" you had no idea what we had planned for you, may be the last year we can actually pull off a little surprise for you.  We decided to take you solo just mommy and daddy and Isla date. We fully enjoyed you. So did you. We decided to surprise you with your cousin Eden joining us. You were so excited and so extreamly surprised at it all. After a fun filled aquarium trip we were on our way to gramas house where she had a little birthday planned for you. Frozen theme of course. All your little friends were There to celebrate with you and send you off to your new journey. We had such a blast and at the end of the day I had one of those moments where I realize that you were getting to be a big girl and that you were quickly outgrowing me. Made that clear when I carried you in after you fell asleep in the car and I had to carry you in since daddy was taking in your presents and your little sister. I carried you in and your legs hung off me in a way that made me see how much you have really grown. I love you so much and I don't want you to grow any more. I wish for time to stand still and let me take in all your cuteness and sassy quirky responds. I thank god for you everyday. I watch you as you sleep and your beautiful profile sucks me in and clarifies to me why I am so thankful. We have a connection that I have never had with anyone before not only because you are my daughter but because we're the reasn I became a mother and for that I am thankful. I love you little lady. I am so proud of the little sassy, smart,compassionate, little soft 
being you are. Stay that way my love

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Life lately

According to "our iPhones" the husbands and mine :) thank you iPhone for sorting them in date order for me. Technology is great!

In good ol' California  

First stop palms springs

Into Arizona we gooooo
Texas here we come 

Life is pretty grand right now. 

Happy HAPPY birthday BABY

I can't believe that a whole year has gone by and we are now here to the day you came in to this world and made our little family feel complete.i remember being pregnant with you and thinking about life with two and never really understanding how fast my heart would grow to be filled with so much love for you. 

Ezra OH Ezra you are a specimen of uniqueness! Mommy and daddy love you so much and he strong little personality you have shown us you are. You beat at your own drum and we all have to follow suit. We accept the challenge that is you. From the beginning you showed us who the boss is which is why you my little one hold the nickname "the boss" you came into this world October 22nd and completed our whole family. You made us a family of 4 made us feel like you completed us. From the beginning you you hit and exceeded your milestones with so much sass. You are so unique and we love that about you. 

You are walking and constantly "talking" we love you so much baby girl life will never be the same now that you have blessed us with your light. I look forward to see what is in store for us and watch you and your sister grow together and continue your sister bond. I especially enjoying hearing you guys go at it already and she how strong you are. We joke that you will be bulling your older sister around. "Though she be but little she is fierce" - William Shakespeare 

We adore you Ezra Rae Benavidez  I only pray that the lord give us a life time filled with so much joy and health for you. 

Happy Birthday my little girl.