It’s been some time since I have been on here. Family has been trying to recover from this cold bug going around. So now mommy is the only one left to get better and this sinus infection is killing me!(I wrote this line and things changed) my daughter got her finger slashed, blood everywhere and of course i took her in to her doctor. They stopped the bleeding after I couldn’t for AN HOUR! Yes I put pressure, YES I held it above her heart. No easy task with a toddler! SO they wrapped it up, after using surgery glue to shut the cut. I was told to unwrap finger and clean it three days after. Well I did… to find she had blisters on both sides of her poor little finger! I about lost it. So to the doctor we went. It was swollen, red, and what looked like burns. Nothing to worry about there. Keep clean was all we were told. Ugh. SO my sinus subsided. Good news there. Shortly after Isla caught PINK EYE or I should say PINK EYES! Yes both eyes! FML! Seriously my poor baby! Iv never had nor has my husband. So after waking up to a toddler who was awake and with both eyes SHUT with sleep, I quickly warm washcloth compress and to the doctor again we went! YUP those sickie eyes were infected! BUT HOW! She doesn’t go to day care, or around kids much, and her mama is a germ a phoebe(sort of) I sanitize her toys constantly and pretty much follow her with wipes to clean her. (I kid I am not that anal… on most days) With that been said we are all better. I have sniffles and a little congestion left but we are better.
The finger ^ so adorable yet so sad :(
My pink eye cutie!
Between those little details and sickness we went to the ZOO. Mommy popped some Sudafed and ibeprophen off we went! (sinus pressure time frame I was the only one sick at this point) To the LA zoo. I had not been since I was 5 so it was all new to me too! SO MUCH FUN!
It was a gorgeous day and we had so much fun! Pictures to prove it. We took her to the Santa Barbara zoo on her first birthday and that was neat, but this time was a little funner (I know not a word, its my word) She knew the animals better and made the appropriate noises too. So adorable. I had a blast. Not only did my little and mama match (swear not planned last minute outfit change) but we all wore out chucks! It was so funny to see once we took our “Traditional” family shot!

Sorry for the order of pictures.
We went through the park in three hours and we headed home. Baby of course snoozed off on the ride and well mommy and daddy did this…
So there you have it, sickness and a fun trip to the zoo later I AM BACK!and it feels good to post again!
Have wonderful week all!
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