Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dear Frankie

I heard your ringtone at about 5:24 pm my time and instantly I couldn't believe it. My stomach started to tickle and I answered my phone and I heard your voice! Oh my god what a tease! You had bad cell service but it was enough to give me butterflies. At least I heard your voice and heard you tell me you were okay and that you missed us and love us. One minute is all I got but it made my week. That same morning after I made the bed I sprayed your cologne on my pillow. So random that when you called I was watching fireproof that couples Christian movie and my phone rings. I took it as a sign from god giving me hope and letting me know all is alright. Let's just say that night I had a good stretch of sleep since Ezra still wakes in the middle of the night 3 times but those 4 hours of sleep felt amazing all because I could smell you on the pillow that I was hugging. I miss you more than words can describe. I'm lonely without you.  Your letters have gotten me through a little I just can't wait until I can write you. 
The girls love you do much and are missing you too. Here are some pictures of our week. 
Our visit with cousin Eden :) 
I finally got to go to ikea and this is what Ezra thought of it :) 

At her 6 month check up :) 

This was the week ending on 20140426 :) getting some military training my self. Iv been reading a book called "married to the military" to try and gather some insight on our new life. I'm trying papa. 

I life you and I miss you! 

Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy half a year to our little Ezra

Ezra Ezra Ezra... 

You are growing so fast and I just can't believe that you are six months old now that we have been blessed to have you half a year! 

You are weighing 14.11 pounds and are 26.8 inches tall and that puts you in the 88th percentile you are growing so beautifully. You are still in size 2 diapers and wearing 6-9 month clothes. 
You are really teething now. You have been so drooly and now more than before. I think I can almost see something on your bottom right side of your gums. Maybe. It so neat!
 We started solids last week with cereal and you hate it! I have been doing cereal everyday as we keep practicing but you just won't budge. So we moved on sweet potato and nothing. Oh well I'll keep at it. Ezra you are such a strong willed little girl. You do things at your own time. Six months and you have yet to sleep through the night, makes for one tired mama. You go down at 8 and need a bottle at 12:30, 3:30, 7 am. 

You love to be in the know, which means a lot of baby wearing and a lot of entertaining you.

Daddy is your favorite person. It's so adorable to see you two together. 
You are very demanding which is you have earned the title of "the boss" it's so cute to hear Isla call uy the boss. She yells "mom the boss is awake" lol. If Ezra not having it NOONE is. 

Daddy and I have come to the conclusion that you will just be a stern little strong minded little thing. 
You have been sitting up on your own since 5 months. 
You love to yell
 And babble but mostly yell. 
When you want attention boy do you let us know. So impatient the way you yell for us to pick you up or do what you want. 

We love you so much little girl you have the most adorable little dimples when you smile and your laugh is the most contagious thing. AND your sneezes oh my goodness a Benavidez for sure. You literally warm up before a sneeze "Aaaaaaah cho" it's my favorite sound you make. 

You are very cuddly when I hold you, you love to lean in to me and snuggle your face in to me. 

We are so blessed to have you in our life little lady. Please slow down and stay my baby for a long time. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Dear girls

Hello Isla, 
you are amazing let me just tell you.  You continue to impress me with the way you have taken on being a big sister. I love you so much and there is nothing in this world that makes me more proud than to see the way you are at being a big sister helper. You make my world so much better. My sweet sensitive girl. 

Hello Ezra, 
Mommy is so proud of you. You have mastered sitting so well on your own and I am your biggest fan. You are so special. The way you have such a big personality in such a tiny little body gets me every time. You are so driven and so set in your own ways already. A girl that knows what she wants and gets it. Granted it's only for the time being since you usually want a bottle or my attention. Totally do able but let's look back in your teen years and see how I feel about that. :) I love you my little Ezra. 

Dear frankie

Week one: 

I'm sitting on the couch and the house is quiet, girls were in bed at the same time. Call it a fluke but it happened. I a missing you like crazy even more right now as I watch house hunters on HGTV I miss your input and the way we go back n fourth on our opinions. So this week I can't believe it's been a whole 5 days without you :( but  Like usual we went to the library but this trip it was kind of special other than having late fees because well we skipped a couple story times because the girls were sick and I completely forgot that their are due at a certain date but any whoooooo... It was special because little miss boss was awake and wanting to mingle so I  had her on my lap Isla took a spot on the rug and Ezra was going for the carpet because she was attracted to the pattern and well she sat up most of the time alone and very attentive to the story. Isla asked to hold her and then I captured this 

A surreal moment because Ezra is growing. She sat on her own for sometime so it was so neat to see. Also sad because you are going to miss some milestones. After story time I decided to take isla to rocket fizz. Oh my gosh she was thrilled saying "mommy mommy it's like a real candy shop" soooo adorable. 
Needless to say she was everywhere :) 

Here are some random shots so far 

Ezra totally looks like Isla here right?!? :) 
Took Isla to the club house and that like always is a hit she made a new friend and let me know it. Grabbing the little girls hand yelling " look mom my new best friend" but I thought I was her BFF! 

Taking a break to draw her new BFF a picture. Awwwww. The boss had fun too
As she watched all little kids run around Ezra was screeching and squealing and kicking her little feet. Can you picture that?!?! :) 

Her first time sitting big girl at target with mommy and Grama for a final Easter target run. Her face tells it all im AMAZEMENT at all the views. Last almost the whole trip until the boss got hungry. Needless to say 2 hour nap came of this. 
Ps: did you spot isla? 

Today is Easter and it means it's officially a whole week with out you. I have to admit today was not easy. Actually it was really hard on me. Cried more than a couple times. I just miss you so much it's frustrating. I can't live without you. I need strength to get through this papa but I just can't muster it. I can't help it. Your my everything. I did keep a happy face all day for Isla because she has randomly caught me in the act and tells me oh mommy stop crying I miss daddy too. So sad I don't want her to see me weak. I just can't help it. If only I could see your face or hear your voice. I just hate that I don't know what your doing or how you are. From communicating all day to cold turkey nothing!!! Anyway Im Crying now so I'll move on. Here are pictures from today and some from the rest of the week.

Easter bunny stopped by and left some tracks. So cute and innocent her reaction this morning. 

We spent Easter with her cousin jasmine at their new place. The girls enjoyed their little hunt. So that was our week papa. I miss you and I love you.