Monday, October 31, 2011


Its Monday my lovelies! AND its HALLOWEEN! 

I LOVE any Holiday where i get to decorate and get to get creative!!!! So today i am at work wearing a witch hat and rocking some really neat tube socks! Its a short day for me at work so i am excited! I love to get festive! i enjoy this holiday for all its candy, pumpkins, and decoration! Most of all i am enjoying this holiday in a different way this year! This year we have Isla who i am thrilled to be experiencing these moments with now! Mommy is loving and enjoying me some first too!

like Pumpkin carving! i know guys where have i been living right?!?! under a rock!!! lol! i had never been to the pumpkin patch, let alone carve my own pumpkin and this year i did it! SO much fun making memories for Isla to look back on!
It was a wonderful weekend! i loved every minute of it! 

Saturday Isla and i took a Gymboree class that she absolutely loved! i was so impressed by my little! She was little miss social and affectionate giving the other kiddies hugs and waves! soooo freaking neat to see her interact with other kids her age! We then went to my sister house where we just hung out for the day and once daddy was almost off we went home and got ready for our family Halloween party! Isla brought along her little friend Marley who was the most adorable monkey! We babysat her for the night!  That was a blast but we decided to call it early night since my baby is teething and currently cutting 4 teeth!!!! MY POOR little mamas! 

Sunday we woke up had a little breakfast Marley and her parents left us early. Isla and i went down for another nap totally felt AMAZING! Daddy crawled in to bed with us and we watch Cinderella. Once we got hungry we order some take out and i ran out to pick up some supplies and our lunch! PUMPKIN CARVING TIME! How fun! it was fun getting our hands in there! i got creative with my pumpkin. Daddy went free hand! we played some Halloween sing along and filled the air with pumpkin spice candle! SO much fun! We  put miss lala down for a nap and we got a chance to clean up and finish my work of art! Then it was time for baby to get in to her costume and head out to Trunk or treat at our local church we used to attend in Camarillo! the hubby, isla and i joined my sister and her hubby and the kids! Daddy, Isla and i concluded the night with some dinner and headed off to our home sweet home, showered up and cuddled as a oh so hyper baby was still awake at 9:00 PM daddy thought it be a good idea to enjoy ONE tiny lollipop and she didnt even finish it but BOY was she on a sugar rush!!!! She went down about 10!!!! LATE for her since she is usually down by 7:30- 8 pm!!! We enjoyed our show The walking dead! Then off to bed! 

Sundays no make up days so excuse please!


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It was a great fun filled weekend and TONIGHT we do it again! At Grama's house! excited for some cupcakes, pie, and some TRICK OR TREATING!
shall we take a poll on how many pounds this mama is going to gain? lol! sooooo worth it! 

Hope you guys enjoyed the weekend just as much as my little family did!
and i hope you have a


Be safe!

Friday, October 28, 2011

isla' s journal (Special and sort of private for me)

SO since its private to me ill share only a glimpse of whats inside her Journal...

I started this Journal for my daughter the day after we found out we were expecting. February 5th 2010 I have thoughts and I wanted to share this journey with her so she could see just how much mommy and daddy love her! I write her when ever a milestone happens, or I am emotional. Being pregnant has been the most rewarding experience of my life. It has changed me. I loved every single moment. I love that I was able to give LIFE. I mean i carried her! She was with in me! I still can’t believe it! She is my dream came true. I want to at times smoother her with love and I wish I could find those words that could describe this overwhelming feeling of love any time I see or think of my daughter. She is my passion. My biggest accomplishment!  I want to give this to her on a big moment in her life, not sure just when BUT I know I want her to be able to appreciate it. I was thinking maybe when she graduates high school or gets married, or maybe when she is pregnant with her own. I don’t know what life has in store for her so I figure write her and ill just know when the time is right.
 A little in sight, I have written to her about the following all dated and with how far along we were or after she was already here how many weeks and months she is.

When we found out we were expecting
First time I saw her (love at first sight)
First time I heard her heart beat
When we found out “it’s a girl”!!!!
First time I felt her move
Baby shower
Her Birth-day
First shots
And most recent her FIRST birthday!

I have added pictures, quotes, iv even kept her band aids from her shots. I know I am obsessed. All these times for me are special though! I love her more than life and I want her to know the love of a mother! I really can’t wait to share this with her! I also keep a keepsake box, and her baby book, as well as her birthday time capsule, along with this journal. I hand write her because I feel like it is more personal to do it this way, everything is technology now and I want her to connect with my messy words. I want her to see I took the time to “write” her. Everything about her journal is special. I don’t slack on this or her baby book because I feel like it is important to know where you came from. I get mushy in there, I often look back for ol times sake and tear up at the moment in my life. I cant wait for her to see mommy’s love for her and my devotion. There is nothing in this whole entire world that could keep me from her! There is nothing that I wouldn’t do for my child! AND YES if we have another I will be doing this for the other child aswell. It would be unfair if I didn’t.

Anything special you do for your little?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Miscellaneous Wednesday- Vintage

Is it considered vintage if its for a baby? i know that questions sounds dumb but there aren't dumb questions.

** i looked up the definition for Vintage and it said anything between 20-100 years old is considered vintage so there you have it i found some Vintage outfits for my little love! 

Well like i mentioned here  i came across a few little wonderful finds at a garage sale we were driving past on our way to Grandmas house. I found two little outfits and adorable little cape sweater for Isla. I was so excited becuase the lady shared with me that she had held on to these items in hopes that either of her daughters had a girl and wanted to pass those on to them . Well it turns out both of her daughters had boys, and they weren't having any more babies! She shared with me both her daughters are in their late 30's and early 40's. So its my steal! i was so excited because its really hard to find outfits for little girls that aren't "grown up" feeling. See i love to dress Isla like a baby not a little lady. She will never be this little again so i want her to be in those ever sooooooo cutesy outfits! Don't get me wrong some of these outfits i do put on her but i want her dressing for her "age" do you know what i mean? so i was excited to get these home with us! I got it for 1.00 each!!! Bigger steal! I love thrifting and finding old school toys, books, clothing for Isla that i can use as the " key" pieces.  here are my finds

  With a pair of legging's and little flats how aorable!!!!

These little baby doll dresses are to die for! i cant wait to put these babies on her!

Isla's paternal Grandpa is in to old cars he has a few old cars and has owend a lot of them. He loves to restore them. Actually when i first strarted daiting my now husband his first car was a 1970 chevy Nova!!! i loved that car!  inspirit of his love for his hobbie he is restoring this For Isla. His gift to her! HE scouted everywhere for the shell. Its his new project! I cant wait to see the final result!

Well keeping with this theme when we went to the thrift store i came across these! 

a little pricey for me since they are old school but i got them! i mean come on classics on VHS? yes!!! specialty since Disney does the whole vault thing.We  have a DVD and VHS in one so i am excited about these!!! and below is actually where i found the Tapes i was referring to on my previous post!

I love doing this Thrifting thing some people will put their noses in the air about "thrifting" but ones persons junk is another's treasure!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Weekend Recap

WHAT A WEEKEND! I have to say I had an action packed weekend! It was soooo very nice! I enjoyed every minute!

Friday- Friday’s are always low key we do dinner in (in n out can you say YUUUUM??!?!?) the hubby works Saturday so we usually put little to bed and we do the mommy daddy thing, well this Friday the husband got off work at 7 and he wanted to go to the gym so he did that and came home a couple hours later and picked up dinner for us. It was so nice to be able to have a few alone hours to my self where I was able to surf the web, do my nails, and actually watch something that “I” want to watch then the hubby came home and actually went with a friend to the movies his friend needed a little “boys support” so I said to go on and he went to a 10:15 three musketeers. I felt bad since I was planning on going to see paranormal activity with my sis Saturday so he didn’t put up a fight. So more alone time and I crawled in bed put the little in bed with me and fell asleep, hubby slept in spare room that night he sometimes will do that so he doesn’t disturb us Saturday morning since I don’t have work and Isla usually sleeps until 8 or a little longer with me.  SO it was a chill Friday night. No complains here!

Saturday- Well this day was an overload! Fun but overloaded!!!! Let’s see Isla and I started out day early, I had to meet my sister by 9:30 and didn’t make it until 10:00 ooops! I am the always late queen NOW never was but I am now. Baby in stow! SO I got there and we took off for a sister’s breakfast no kiddies morning! Our daddy aka Grandpa watched kiddos. He was in love took them walking to the near by park! We had breakfast and went to an 11:15 paranormal activity 3 super scary!!! Or should I say very suspenseful! I loved it. Iv heard mixed reviews I thought it was really good. Picked up my dolly and went out to run some much needed errands before meeting up at our house for Isla’s little friends first birthday! I got to dress my little girl in her Snow white costume and I just about died! She made the PERFECT snow white! It was one of the besties son’s first birthday Halloween bash! We went on our way a little late but we made it. It was soooo freaking cute! My girlfriend did a fab JOB! Well other than being stung by a bee it was all good! OMG seriously I felt like I was 5 I got stung!!!! I had Isla on my hip and I swear to you right when I moved her it stung me. I saw it play out I saw the stinking bee coming at me and I switched her over and BAM I was stuck! Can I just say it’s Monday and it’s still really red, itchy, and bumpy! Normal?!?! Who knows! We left at about 8 i know kind of late but we stuck around for some times since she is the bestie! I was a trooper. Now after I got home the husband and I were not Seeing Eye to eye that whole day (Things aren't always perfect in our home) so when he got home a little after baby and I Went to our bedroom and passed out.

Sunday- All things are well when we wake up the husband and I were back to our normal selves that’s what I absolutely love about the husband and my relationship we argue and get over it, I asked for space and I got it got over it and woke up back to a happy little family. Some Sundays we like to go over to my mother in laws for brunch and that we did this Sunday BUT on our way I drove past a little garage sale I saw on the corner of my mother in Law’s Street and I had to stop since I saw a brand new looking car seat! See I have a brand new big girl car seat that is permanently installed in my car and installed by a CHP at that 3 times to be exact! Frankie has one and we have a spare that goes on between my mother in law and her great grandma. Well my mother in law wanted to get her on for her car and wanted to stay in her car permanently so she has been on the look out and didn’t want to buy from store, well this lady was an elder lady who told me she bought this for the 2 weeks they were In town and it was brand new! SCORE! Used for two weeks! Hello id be crazy not to buy so we got the car seat and I noticed she had some cute little “older” looking little girl outfits hanging and asked her about them and she said they belonged to her daughters who have had all boys and she held on to them in hopes to pass them off to her grankids! So can we call this vintage baby right?!?! OMG I died! I had to have a few of those outfits so I bought them! I don’t have an issue buying my daughter thrifted clothing since babies aren’t really in these outfits long! So ill def have to show you guys my find I was beyond excited! Her daughters must have been born in the late 60’s early 70’s how awesome is that. We then decided to go thrifting  VHS’s we have a VHS and DVD in one) so I   love to look for the Disney classics. So I drive an Audi A6 it’s a 2003 well it has a cassette system aswell as CD  and I noticed that at this thrift store I found some tapes and I got  me some Beethoven and some Chopin and some Christmas classics. Two of my favorite things! Classical music and xmas music! I could listen to classical all day I find it so relaxing I often listen to this music on my ipod as I sit at my desk. And since When mommy Is driving( because with daddy he refuses to subside)  the only music you will hear in my car is Isla’s music when she  is with me which is always other than my ride to and from work, you will hear Fisher price singalong, if I am going to listen to anything else in the car it will be either baby Einstein’s or just classical music. SO this was a neat find for me!   We took a quick drive over to our local pets Mart and got Isla her very first pet 3 fishies! A mama fish a dada fish and an Isla fish! She enjoys seeing them swim!

We ended the night with some bbq burgers and some cuddles! Gosh I just love my baby!  It was a GREAT weekend so now here are the pictures!

i love this book we read to Isla

very themed nails candy corn!

waiting for bath to be ready

Sent the above to the hubby Friday through text... he loved it!  its on our bucket list now! :) we printed this job at my work and i loved the thought of being somehwere where the sand is white and the water is clear!!! ahhhh wishful wishful!


Monday, October 24, 2011

We got pumpkins

Last weekend we took our little pumpkin to the pumpkin patch! We took her to the Faulker farm in Santa Paula, Ca. It is awesome!!! i was so excited and the weather was so beautiful i wore a romper the hubby wore the cut off i asked him not to wear,  ;) it was hot so it ended up being okay after all. Isla wore a sassy little top with her most adorable little leggings and my favorite little jelly shoesies!!!! She was already starting to feel under the weather so we tied to keep it short and sweet. PS can i add that my daughter must be a little diva in training because she wore her adorable shades THE ENTIRE time! lord have mercy on US! lol! we did the corn maze, the hayride, we strolled through the most adorable garden and we took pictures of Isla in THE cutest little playhouse that was just her size! We went thought the antique shop where i saw the most adorable vanity and stool that i envisioned one day adorning Isla's room. I cant wait to be able to decorate her little room! Well at least until she has a say and does not want mommy decorating anymore. I think that Isla will like mommy's  choice of decor anyways! :) So moving forward, while mommy and Grama grabbed a ice cold lemonade daddy decided to climb up on top of the highest Hay stack ever! You guys my heart just about leaped out of my chest! this was def one of those mommy moments! i played it so cool but i was scared to death! taking pictures and grinding my teeth the whole time until he came down with my baby! i couldn't believe that i was that freaked out! Its bazaar because pre Isla i probably would have been the first up there! so after that kodak moment we decided to head to the actual patch and chose pumpkins! FUN FUN FUN! right!:?!?well my little mamas was so tired by then i tried to get her to pose for me and it was not happening so i let her roam about. Can you believe it she was walking on the uneven ground! my little lady WALKING! as i followed closely from giant pumpkin to pumpkin i was falling in love over and over again with her. Its so intense to see her walking now, i have bitter sweet feeling about this whole walking thing! I love seeing her little frame waddle from here to there! We found the perfect pumpkins and we set out to be on our way. Isla of course fell asleep right as we set her in her car seat. it was wonderful little experience i cant wait to continue on with our little family traditions! Mommy's and Isla's first time at the pumpkin patch was a huge success!!!! i cant wait to carve those suckers!!!! Daddy is going to make his Phineas from Phineas & Ferb Isla's will be Minnie mouse  of course! i will be making mickey! We are going to attempt this so wish us happy carvings ya'll!!! Did you go to the pumpkin patch already? is there special traditions you and your family share?

pumpkin patched out!

Can i please add this with out being classified as a bad mommy... she wiped out and was soooo darn cute at it!

Happy Almost Halloween!