"Two shall become one flesh"
"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; and they shall become One Flesh" - Genesis 2.24.3
"For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be united to his wife; and they shall become One Flesh" - Genesis 2.24.3
Where to begin I haven’t realized that I haven’t really thought about this day since the actual day. That is all okay, after all I am married to my best friend and there is no other person I could imagine spending forever with. I am in love with my life and even when things aren’t “traditionally” done I wouldn’t trade for the world. It goes “”Frankie and Dayana sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g first come’s love then comes marriage then comes Frankie with the baby carriage. Well we did get married before Isla arrived… but I was already preggo INFACT she came the following weekend after our nuptials. Every little girl dreams of her wedding day and the dress! Well at least I did, I used to play pretend alone and I used to play the role of the groom so I was always that dream guy ;) I always had my dream wedding. My dream wedding never came, we actually went to the court house and had our civil wedding in that cubicle make shift chapel all 156 big belly of me. It was my wedding day all I cared about was the meaning behind that piece of paper, I probably wouldn’t need that piece of paper if it weren’t required by law to show it when it comes to the name change deal. I wanted to bring my daughter in wed lock I wanted her to know we loved each other and wanted her arrival to be perfect when she came in to this world. I wanted her last name to be reflected in her mommy and daddy I want her to be proud of her roots and her upbringing. I wish for her to always have her mommy and daddy together! This day in age divorce rate is 50% I don’t want to be a statistic I want to be like my own parents. I ADMIRE their commitment to each other after almost 40 years together it was not all perfect or easy but they still stand and united. I was pregnant so I was not able to really enjoy the full extent of the day, we decided that when the time is right and Isla is older we want to renew our vowels intimately and have our dream wedding. I want Isla,and the future baby, my husband and I in front of a pastor and renew our vows just my little family. I picture my life with this man and all I can imagine is looking to my side and seeing my very own children sharing this moment with daddy and I want to share with them how much mommy AND daddy love each other. I really wanted this for us I wanted to do it the way god intended it to. So I didn’t have my first dream wedding I always imagine but who needs all the bells and whistles a wedding is usually made up to, but in the end I always hear one thing from the bride it went by to quickly and how they wish they could have enjoyed what cause them stress before the day. Instead I hope to take it all in and let it be about him and I.
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To our happily ever after! |