Friday, December 30, 2011

11 Moments of 2011

In no particular order:

  1. The day I walk in and my daughter said “mama” I was floored! Guys I literally cried! I talk about my heart bursting with love and excitement… THIS is THE moment it would have actually done so if it were possible! I WAS OVER THE MOON! I AM someone’s “mama” okay I have to stop now I am getting chocked up typing this out! Foggy screen! Lol!

  1. The Husband and I celebrated out First year wedding anniversary! Its amazing to me I have been with this man since I was 18! And now here I am about to be 25! 6 years together and a year of that married! WOW papa we have come along way! I life you( I did mean to write “life” its what we say to each other we plan on a life time together so we say I life you) more than you know! I know sometimes we have our tiffs but my love for you will never fade! Thanks for putting up with my "tude" at times!

  1. Isla’s first birthday! I had a moment when I saw my husband holding OUR daughter and I was like wow she is ours! We made her! And now we are here surrounded by loved ones celebrating this beautiful life. I am excited for the years to come!

  1. Sharing the happiest place on earth with out little. It was magical; it looked different then any other times I have been there. Through my mommy eyes, my patient demeanor at the sight of other kids melt downs. My awww’s and how cute is that baby?!? And Look at her face dada!!! She was so excited at the sights! MAGIC I tell ya!

  1. Watching Isla take her first steps and the thought of “here we go” flashed in my head! She is unstoppable now! And also means my baby is growing! L

  1. One night (more since then now) I replaced TEDDY! My daughter loves to take me around my neck and snuggle me in close to her and to hear her deep breaths soothe me! She breaths me in and I do too! IT’s LOVE

  1. GUYS! I don’t really go out or do anything “me” time I hate leaving my daughter! I know people tell me it will get easier but I cant see this happening. WELL I have to say that having girl time and being with my girlfriends the times I did this year was amazing!!! For a little time span

  1. I have captured so many memories and so many videos of my daughter and glancing back on my phone and laptop I am sucked in for hours!

  1. The holidays: Valentines day (my birthday) I was pregnant last year and this year I shared it with her! Fourth of July it was awesome the fire works the food, her face lighting up at the sparkle was priceless. Thanksgiving: so much to be thankful for this year and every year at that! Christmas: this year I was spoiled through my daughter. Holidays are so much better with her in my life! I love having our traditions.

  1. Dates with my husband, I love it when for a little while it is he and I and we are husband and wife and not mommy and daddy (don’t get me wrong on this) although we talk about her the whole night its our time and he and I take that chance with so much appreciation! our palms spring trip, and our Denver trip was a highlight. I love my best friend and he is amazing to me the way he took on the title he impresses me and even when he feels as though I don’t I DO!

  1.  Life in general. Life this year took on a whole new meaning! Having my daughter to share each day with is the topping on my sundae I call marriage and LIFE. I am so thankful for this year! I am thankful for the people that surround me. LIFE is GOOD!

Pictures of our 2011

Friends Bridal shower of wedding we were in

My First Mothers Day

2011 Halloween

Her First Birthday cake

First Birthday singing

Zoo on her Birthday!

Mommy's and Isla's first pumpkin patch

Denver wedding trip The Brewery

silly time i think i was a little tipsy

we landed in Denver CO

Palms Springs trip

4th of July

fourth of July

at grama's house

learning fun

girl time
first time in a pool

little curly
Getting big

girls love to dance

i just love this one!

My Birthday!!!

Birthday weekend

Christmas 2010

First  friends Birthday party

Thursday, December 29, 2011

just because its Almost Friday!

Set up... 

I was running errands after work and my husband went to visit Grama and i had no idea they were recording our conversation.

i know with the technology these day's we can do face time and such but really this is so special to me. My mother in law sent this to me. She made me feel so special when she posted this on Facebook with this caption: "It is so beautiful to see and share the love a child has for their Mother; I am sharing this short video it brought tears to my eyes just watching Isla talk to her Mommy and how happy Dayana was to hear from Isla!!!!"

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Random Wednesday

Tuesday on my lunch break I went home to see my little love. I was actually on the phone with her (she was really talking to me), because my husband called me and told me she kept saying Mama, mama,mmmmama! She knows the timing of when I should be there for lunch and when I get home. I LOVE IT! SO I was on the phone with her walk in the house and she had the phone to her ear and I said Isla! And she turns and looks and said mama?!? In a sort of question relieved way. (Make senesce?!?)

Anyways, the reason for this post is because I love the way my daughter makes me feel! She straddled me and had her little head rested on my shoulders and she was just home there. Relaxed patted me and kept on holding me. I MELTED!

When my daughter runs to me and hugs my leg I melt
When my first wakes up and says mama! I melt
When my daughter giggles I melt

When my daughter brings me a book and plops her self down on my lap I melt
When my daughter gives me random kisses I melt

When my daughters face lights up in excitement I melt! 
when she reaches and slips her little arm under or over my neck to cuddle me I MELT! 

Everything my daughter does can literally make me melt and make my heart skip a beat!

I just LOVE her with all my heart and soul but I am sure every mother feels this way! 
I will sit here and think of her little face thinking about her little gestures and i smile! BIG! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


WHAT a wonderful holiday it was. It was very low key nothing hectic. It was perfect! 

Christmas Eve we spent it with my family. It was fun to be able to be lazy and just hang out with my family. We stayed around until about 8 then ended off to my mothers in laws and stayed the night there. Woke up on Christmas morning to my princess saying “Hi”

We waited for her uncles to arrive and we then had breakfast and started the gift opening! WOW my daughter was SPOILED! She is the only little on my husbands intimate family side. Only grandchild so I can’t expect any less! She got some adorable Outfits from her uncles and their girlfriends! It’s so adorable!  There is nothing more I love to see but my daughter being surrounded by the ones who love her! I love seeing her uncles come in to our room looking for her and playing with her. I love it! She is the Princess of the house for sure! They adore her! Watching my daughter light up when she see’s Santa to a little later get freaked out and cry on his lap was priceless! I loved helping her “start” the present and her ripping in to it! 
Here are some of the items she received: 

Mommy received an awesome gift! My mother in law gifted me with this Beautiful delicate Sapphire (my daughter’s birthstone) all white gold. I just about cried! It’s ALL I wanted and I got it! It was I mean IT IS perfect!

Daddy did well this year too. We decided not to gift our self’s this year so we instead will save that money and put it towards our Vaccay!
! After it all settled we stayed the night again at my mothers in law and we decided to put the blow up mattress in the living room surrounded by the Christmas lights, cuddle up and watch a movie. Isla lent us her pillow pets and Daddy and mommy enjoyed some romantic US time! 

It was a nice holiday. We had Monday following Christmas off! THANK GOD! And the same for New Years baby!!!

So I hope your Christmas was Merry and you were surrounded by the ones you love!
And I hope Santa brought you what you hoped for!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Second Christmas

With our daughter and i am nothing short but THRILLED! i cant wait to share this weekend with her. 
She is walking and she is more alert!
she has personality

This was last year.... 

she says HO HO HO when ever she see's Santa
i cant wait to take pictures, and videos and just take this all in. 
last night i almost cried thinking about the joy she brings me. 
So her second christmas ornament is hanging close by her first one and its a wonderful feeling
Sharing this magic with my daughter. 

i cant wait to imply the more of our traditions i want to build with her.I cant wait to cuddle
cant wait to see her face light up
i cant wait to share all this with her and my husband

i cant wait 
i cant wait 
i cant wait

I wish you all THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS may you be surrounded with love and your loved ones!
May GOD BLESS YOU and keep you safe
May you continue to make memories and take a moment to breath this all in. 

ENJOY my family and friends!  

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Life lately

We went Christmas tree shopping this past  weekend and i loved watching isla walk around and being a part of this whole Christmas feel its so amazing to see her about us compared to last year...

 i love the way she walks... her hands back and butt out1 hilarious to see her go.

We did alot of cuddling and lounging and really doing nothing, i was feeling a little under the weather and i think we were just on the slow train this weekend. 

I love the way she will sit with me and cuddle for endless
amount of time! i enjoy what i get from my active baby!

In the morning i love watching my daughter enjoy and episode or two of little Einsteins and just watching her watch them...

We love story time ANY time over at our place
my daughter brings me books and i grab her put her on my laps and read to her when ever she wants it.

She is hilarious so into climbing now and is our little Evel Knievel she is not afraid of anything!

Isla had her first jamba juice today... it was adorable to see the smoothie end up on her nose tip and all over her face! soooooo sweet!
There has been a whole lot of procrastinating on my end Christmas is  3 day's away but technically 2 days if you count Christmas eve since we do share the holiday between in laws and such. I have yet to get some shopping done. i know we will be running around like crazy getting last minute gifts. I have been meaning to take isla to see Santa and that has YET to happen but its BECAUSE she was sick, i was sick, and other times she was napping and the timing was all off! FRIDAY IT IS I WILL MAKE IT OVER THERE! SO Santa HERE WE COME! 

PS: Isla any time she see's a Santa Decoration,picture or say the word Santa she goes " ho ho ho" I LOVE IT!!!

when i received this video message i about wanted to kill my hubby! i told him no more "bombing hills" i threated him with divorce if she ever got hurt on his watch! :)