Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Make up Wednesday

Blushes! Oh my! 


SO i thought it would be neat to include my other passion which is make up to my mommy blog i figured it would be fun to share my beauty  and make up favorites!  i had a beauty blog i tried here and decided id much rather gush over my daughter to say the least it was short lived.  so here goes the first Wednesday....

I really love to add some color to my face! I am usually very pale and my foundation really helps with that. However I tend to feel washed out when I wear just foundation.
I love me the pinks, corals, and peaches.

So let’s jump in I love me my MAC and I love what some call drugstore. I don’t usually care price; if I like it ill buy it. My face is a huge investment I WILL NOT put just ANYTHING on my face. So if it’s a 1.00 or 15.00 I don’t mess around. I know what works for me and I know what I like.

Nars blush in Deep throat (clever name I know) Love this color it’s very natural yet has the perfect amount of shimmer. 

My ELF blush in Candid coral can be considered a dupe! Almost EXACT! Only difference is it does not have as much shimmer a little more matte and the price tag 3.00 compared to the NARS whopping 28.00 that’s ridiculous! I know I found the ELF blush after the fact and well let’s just say I won’t be repurchasing the NARS. Also I want to mention that elf is a little more powdery but really not an issue if you ask me.

I also wear Dolly mix (not pictured because it’s a little broken and I hate traveling with it) and ELF in pink passion (pictured) elf is powdery and dolly mix from MAC is more pigmented. 

I also have MAC’s Peaches which is not pictured both because IV hit pan and it’s well a little embarrassing.

I also like Gingerly by Mac on days I want more matte and natural look. Its sort of bronzer looking but I use it on the apples of my cheeks and it looks just natural. 

I also included Bare minerals in the color timeless it’s a perfect shade of blushed and so the name fits! IV been using this shade lately and I am loving it! It was given to me and I often find my self reaching for it. 

These are just some of my favorite at the moment blushes…. You could always order online or go to the MAC counter or target for the ELF line.

PS: ELF stands for Eyes,Lips,Face.

Friday, February 24, 2012

moments that i cherish... Currently

Those car rides when its Isla and i listening to her tunes and singing along to 
"the wheels on the bus" and seeing her little motion of the wheels turning with her little arms.

When she falls asleep in my arms and i hold her as long as i can until i feel like she may be a little more comfortable on the bed. 

i love watching my husband's face when he see's her and cant resist the urge to kiss her as she dreams. 

i love the time the husband and i have and we sit and talk and talk and talk until one of us snoozes off. 

i love the way isla says mom, mama, mom, mom, mom! i WILL NEVER TIRE!

I cherish all my days that i have with her. 

I treasure being a mother. i am someones mother and i am so thankful for that!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A flashback.

While we try to teach our children about life, 
Our children teach us what life is all about.

Its is 3 in the morning and we are finally settled in the hospital room where we will finish the remainder of our stay. My husband and i experienced our daughters first wash down, the nurses gave us a few tips for the next time WE give Isla HER FIRST BATH.  in the moment i took it all in and i remember the details of her arrival, but not until after the fact can i appreciate all that was the birth of my daughter. i remember when the nurses left and told us if we needed anything to push the call button and someone would be in shortly, but i didn't want anyone to come in. I wanted to ADMIRE MY LITTLE BABY. Frankie told me it would be best for me to let the baby sleep in her hospital crib, so i may get some sleep. i couldn't resist, i grabbed her and held her and laid her down besides me. i was hurting but nothing mattered to me at that moment. i wanted to admire my creation. That feeling that went through  my whole body was a feeling that was something so unexplainable there aren't words to describe the moment i became a mother. i just remember thinking to my self WOW i am someones mommy! visions of one day hearing her call me mommy, of one day running in to my arms,of one day returning those thousand kisses i have already given her.Before i held her for the first time what was running through my mind was this is it! i am about to hold the little person i already was keeping safe. i just knew id die before anything would harm her, i knew that i would give MY OWN life for this little being who was hours old. My instinct kicked in as soon as those two pink lines became visible but actually seeing her made my life. I hold these moments in my heart and in my mind and the way i felt when my daughter was born. Its a beautiful experience. Isla is my biggest accomplishment and i love and appreciate my body for what it endured. I thank the lord daily for blessing me with this beautiful pure love This little angel he lent us. She is a child of the lord and i entrust her to him. I pray over her and beg the lord to send his angels to camp around her and carry her through her day. To keep her safe. i love this life i am living and my daughter is my reason. Isla in her 25 months(her 17months on earth and the 8 she was in my belly) that she has been with me, has filled my heart with so much love, so many memories and so many smiles. I feel like i have fulfilled my world my reason to be here on gods green earth, i was sent her to be husband's lover and my daughters life source. i gave life. what a gift. it pains me to hear when woman abandon their children and leave them in dumpsters. If only you could set your fears aside you would be over taken by the pure love this child offers. they cant offer you any materialistic anything BUT their LOVE is plenty ENOUGH! I am lucky to be able to conceive and to give my daughter this life filled with love, compassion, and ENDLESS love! My daughter is very loved, everywhere she goes she will know she is loved. It was love at first sight when they placed her on my chest and i was able to have a glimpse of that little person i so anxiously awaited for. Holding her and smiling my tears flowing, my heart was smiling. I looked around as the people that loved me where meeting MY new love. Watching isla be held by her daddy for the first time made me melt. there was NO PAIN, NO FEARS, i was sure she was my miracle. I am in love with my daughter and i feel blessed to be able to look back and see her in her car seat and know that she is mine. i am forever her mother, our connection will never be replaced.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Life lately

i have so many pictures on my phone and some recent ones are from Birthday and some fun during the week... i want to share before i clear out my phone and save them to my laptop.  ill let the pictures do the talking.

finally off my phone! :)

How I keep my head on...


I guess you can say I have selective type A personality at times, but I am mostly type B. I like to think of my self as very organized. If my husband didn’t have me to tell him where he left his HEAD he would loose his head. I swear! He agrees “hi honey” emoji smurk ;)  So I was thinking it would be fun to share my “tips” per say I mean they aren’t really tips more than how I do it, How I keep my self organized. IT’S HARD! Especially when you have my husband who thinks the floor. Maybe you guys may get some ideas along the way. Feel free to share some of your “ways” id love to hear them!

So here is my break down: put before I get in to details I want to confess that I am a TOTAL note take. I am OBSSESD with making list. I mean my lists have list! And if you know me on a personal level you would know that I carry post it notes in my purse. Often get teased about having a Mary Poppins bag! You name it I most probably carry it! Lol!

Okay so moving forward….

Let’s start at home shall we?

My Jewelry i wear my wedding ring and earrings I also wear my daughters birthstone pendant DAILY I can’t sleep with any form of jewelry on, so I always remove them and put them straight in their “home” their home is a little jewelry holder box where we put our earrings (yes I said our, hubby has his ears pierced) I have a jewelry box where I keep most my jewelry. This little box is just our frequently used items.

Calendar- we have this whiteboard where I can keep track of important dates, appointments where I get to decorate according to the month with good ol dry erase markers.

Mail/bills- I have an envelope holder and in there I store important bills. As far as mail comes I tend to look through it and toss out in that instant the not import stuff.

Important paper work- we have file accordion where we keep medical records, taxes, car info, and manual, anything important. We also have a same where I like to keep baby book, pictures, birth certificates, socials, and really really important stuff. You know fire proof and all!

 Isla’s food- I tend to make some batches for the upcoming week, nothing major anymore not like when I used to make all her baby food. I usually will make some veggies for Isla on Sundays. For example ill make her peas and carrots, sweet potato and just steam them and store them in containers with a label with the date. Makes it a breeze for feedings not processes just re heat and serve!

Toiletries- I have a cart where I store all of Isla's must haves diapers, ointments,lotions,hair stuff, bows, bibs, washcloths, towels, what have you and I always make sure to have back up box of diapers even if the cart is full, same goes for the wipes and the diaper genie refill.

Diaper bag always in the same place and always fully stocked! i keep her immunization records with her medical card. i also have three medical release forms for the people who would mostly be watching her with their names and my husbands and my signature if heaven forbid something were to happen to her i want them to be able to take her the urgent care and if she needs immediate attention they may proceed.  I also have her doctors business card with a print out of their urgent care locations and her doctors office address.

Toys- I usually keep all her toys in her little toy boxes we have one in the living room with all her toys and other fun stuff, I have some little baskets I sort out different toys, books, balls, and rubber duckies(she loves duckies)  I keep the toys in one area in the family room BUT they end up in the hall the kitchen bathroom everywhere! Okay not the bathroom she is not allowed in there with out us.

Car- I carry an extra diaper bag and blankets in case my dear husband forgets to grab one. I ALWAYS make sure to bring a blanket ANYWHERE AND EVERYWHERE we go. The diaper bag has her size diapers, wipes, a warm and cool outfit option and little knickknacks like sunscreen, diaper ointment, body wash, shampoo, a bottle of water and an empty sippie. I also store 5 bucks in there in case she may need any snacks. We have extra toys that travel with is and BOOKS she loves BOOKS so those are a must.

(NOTE: I also have a daddy check off list of what he needs to make sure he brings with him if he and Isla are out and about)

Mommy bag- I have a travel bag I carry with extra me stuff, comfy clothes like sweats, socks, sandals, make up wipes, chap stick, fem products, magazines, sweatshirt. At times I go straight to my parents to visit from work with no time to get comfy and I usually am in heels or platforms from work so I can easily slip on comfy clothes.

I like to keep these stocked and I replenish as I use. And ill tell ya that extra diaper bag has come in handy.

My purse is pretty organized for the most part. I have a little bag in my purse where I keep little stuff, band aids, hair pins, aspirin, little hand wipes and other random stuff.

my planner,my coupon accordion,and wallet!

Electronics devices I store notes, important date’s, and email I clean out as I receive. I have created folders in my email accounts where things go if they are important enough to keep.

WOW! That was a lot huh?!?! Seesh! I'm not perfect and I misplace things constantly but with these little things I do I seem to do just fine. Motto: just get it done. Walk that bill straight to my spot when I get it instead of it floating around. Hang those keys immediately.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Post Valentines/ Birthday

Since my birthday is also Valentines day my poor husby has a lot of pressure to make me feel special.... He does just fine though he is perfect i am not particular i love anything he does for me whether its a flower he picked or roses he bought. He is wonderful. 

So our night went a little like this.... it was traditional Dinner and a movie date planned for us.
when i  walked in from work   to a  house smelling so delicious it smelled like Cake batter in the air i was already excited! my daughter received me with balloons and a huge smile and a happy birthday banner on the wall! ! i walked in the kitchen to see the cake my husband BAKED FOR  ME! he baked!!!! my favorite chocolate on chocolate!!! mmmmm! 

i had to rush and touch up so we can make our reservations.  i walk in our bedroom and on the bed was teddy(my daughter bear) a card from my husband and my daughter and my favorite PEEPS! yum! he is so adorable! The hubby also had already given me a 75.00 Amazon gift card for my birthday a week earlier becuase he wanted me to have play money for the Kindle fire my mother in law got me for my birthday!!!! i love her! How amazing is that!?!! i am obsessed with my kindle fire!already read Two books from my library!

dinner was at 6:30 we went to a sushi restaurant since i was craving sushi. Isla joined us of course how could mommy celebrate without her mini?!?!! it was nice we got in and out through the crowds. 

later we had a movie planned.dropped off baby at Grama's and headed out. i wanted to see The vow he wanted to see Safe house. its my birthday I WIN! lol! but we did something sort of naughty since Denzel is MY FAVORITE actor i wanted see this movie too. solution? WE SNUCK IN TO Safe house after the VOW! double feature for us! i know i know! that is so terrible but don't tell me you haven't done it once or twice!!! last time i did that i was in high school! i was nervous but we pulled it off! good thing becuase although i loved The Vow i was a little disappointed with the outcome, please don't get me wrong i LOVED IT it has several real events so i cant expect to have some fairy tail ending. The ending was actually very reasonable. it was good guys if you haven't seen it please don't get discourage GO SEE it! 
Now SAFE HOUSE was action all the way and Denzel NEVER disappoints me. We had best of both worlds!  did i mention My husbands other(i am his bestie too) best friend and his girlfriend joined us too. did i mention it was HIS BIRTHDAY TOO? crazy before there was me there was him and my husband fell in love with me and now his best friend and his wife share the exact same birthday, same year. i am a few hours older so he is the copy cat. Hi Kev!!!! :) 

it was great! we got out late and mama had work the next day! tired beyond words today. got home at about 12:30 after all was done. We are cutting my birthday cake tonight since it was a weee bit late last night. plus i had cake Saturday for my early celebration which reminds me i still have to post about. coming soon, like later today i think :)So none the less we shared some loving and an episode of Real house wives and called it a night. kissed my little love and cuddle the hubby!

Well that was my Valentines day and birthday folks! Hope you guys enjoyed your Valentine!

