Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas festivities 2012

This year has been the best and i know it will only get better as Isla gets older. We will continue with our family traditions and do more along the way. This Year my husband and i were very excited to help Santa shop for our little girl. Daddy and i agreed with her gifts and he went online and bought them. i got the pleasure of receiving the gifts and wrapping them. This year was just all around fun. We had our family photo shoot, we did our traditional lights walk down Christmas tree lane. ugly sweater party and made crafts and gingerbread house!

my husband Decided to surprise me and take me out on a date and over night date that is. HE asked his mom to watch isla for us and told me to pack for over night and to be ready by a certain time. He worked so when he got home i had Isla's bag and our bags packed. We had agreed to exchange gifts this day too (23rd) So he informed me he was taking me ice skating. That was so much fun and reminded me i am getting old! i fell twice first one not so bad and the second well i have bruises to show for. my husband the newbie never had done this before did great but that's expected anything he does athletic he is amazing at. That was so much fun. He gave me the option on dinner and we decided to keep it low key and just go to our local favorite pizza place. Then we headed to our hotel. This was a treat. alone just the two of us, away! i packed his gift and a bottle of wine and some wine glasses. We watched a Christmas movie and exchanged our gifts.We were both very happy with our gifts. decided to make this a tradition for our self's.

We had a little dinner on the 24th with his side of the family and we enjoyed some good food and some family time. That night we were in bed early woke up on the 25th to have some breakfast to the presents we began.

Hope you all had an amazing holiday surrounded with family and loved ones!
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 14, 2012

The other day isla,


I sat there and watched you as you played  "sand castle" and the ocean was right in front of us and I couldn't help but think how could I not believe in god? A greater good? He is so wonderful and I am so blessed to be here in this moment with you. Of course I can't help but get emotional just looking at you. yes, yes there were tears! i am a sap! some thing about the ocean that really puts me at ease and such tranquility about  it seems to do the same for you. YOU love the beach! its where we go to get away from the world. all we need is our blanket, picnic lunch, your pail, and some dinosaurs and we are set.We run, scream, laugh and play and its all A GO! This day i sat there and breathed in deep eyes closed and just took in the ocean air and just watched you scoop up the sand in to your pail, chatting away at me as i zoned out just gaga over you, i simply looked at you and smiled, kissed you and told you i love you and you know your response to me?  " i wuv you mo mommy" You are my reality my dream come to life! Shortly after you got up i was still in the moment and i snapped out of it and chased after you. There are little sand dunes around and you little miss being the explorer, fearless little thing you are proceeded to climb them screaming after me " mommy too, mommy too" so there we were running up and down the the sand hills as we laughed and played. And just like that mother nature set in and the ocean mist came in and took over, but it was okay because i took from it what i could and saved this memory in my mind and heart, you make me smile. I am so thankful for you! I love these beach dates we share and I hope that we can continue to have these even after you are in school and mommy is at work just escape you and I! I can't wait to be here again with you and you share your day with me. i fantasize escaping the world as you get older, me signing you out of school grabbing lunch and just sitting there sand all around us and the ocean in front of us.  I love you more than the depths of the ocean, more than every grain of sand that runs trough your fingers. I am so blessed! Daddy and you mean the most to me! I enjoy all these times I cherish it all! I want you to know no one has ever made me this happy, daddy comes close but of course it's a different feeling! It's beautiful the love I have for you! Thank you for the smiles and the giggles and just your company! I love you to the depths of forever!
                                                   You are my I love you!


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Isla is two (a draft post)

Looking and Admireing you as you spend the last few hours as mommys one year old! What a beautiful year it has been not only have we taught you about the world, but you have opend my eyes and taught me some very special life lessons. I cherish every minute I have with you. I love being your mommy. I work hard to show you how much you mean to us and how special you make our world! Words will never describe the emotion that runs through me on the day you made your entrance but mommy gets emotional. It's the day you came in to my world and the day of my re birth. I became a mommy. My favorite title. I love to hear you say my new name (mommy) it's the best feeling in the world. My whole life was turn around when you came in this world. It's amazing the change its been and yet how easy it's been. You are a very special little girl. You are very loved. Very blessed. I love you to the moon and back times infinity! I recall the excitement that went through me as I reached for you and helped put you on my chest for the first time. Immediately tears of joy streamed down my face as I glanced at all your perfect features. I knew more than ever in that instant that life will never be the same, that I would DIE for you. It was so surreal that I had a beautiful baby in my arms, in my care. It all seemed so natural to me. This year has been unforgettable! You learned your name, learned to walk, learned to use your words. You have blossomed in to this tiny little personality that I just adore! You are brilliant. I want the world for you. I want you to have beautiful memories and I want to give you everything I am. My life is yours. I owe you my life. One day you will understand my love for you and you too will see how beautiful this life can be! I love you forever...

“life will never be the same,Because there had never been anyone like you… ever in the world"

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I'm BACK (written a few months back with minor adjustments)

It's been about 4 months since I have posted... Wow! Where does the time go! So much has happened and so many new things have been learned its crazy how time can do that and you don't realize how fast we spin! Isla turned 2, I made the decision to ask my husband if I could stay home with our daughter given his job opportunity. My husband is making my dream a reality and I am so thankful and greatful to him! He is amazing! Last night he about made me cry. His words are so sweet that it still sweeps me off my feet! My husband professed his love for me and told me how much he loves me and how IN LOVE he is with me! How the fire will never burn out for him! That even when I push him away he loves me more! Calling me his lioness and paying me the ultimate compliment! I must admit though this is not out of character for him, he always tells me sweet little nothings. He is amazing and I thank him for giving me opportunity to raise our daughter. See I was struggling with leaving her for my8-5 daily! I mean daily. I could cry. It was not healthy for me. I wanted to be the mom iv always dreampt I could be. Having my daughter has shined a light in my life that I never knew was there! There are millions of talents out there and thing people are good at. I was born to be a mother! Taking on the responsibility of being a mother is the ultimate gift! I cherish each moment! I love being a wife as well. This is my calling to care for my life partner and my child. I get emotional and think wow I could have been missing out on all these moments! Her little gestures, her words, her laughs. I wanted to be the one to show her the world! Thankfully that is where we are! Daddy signed us up for a mommy and me class called Teeny weeny wigglers and isla just Loves it!( This session is mow over but come january time for another class) She looks forward to it weekly. We try to do park every day( giving the weather permits) do our random beach dates we substitute our park visits with many different activities. we love to go to the pet store and just look at the animals! Tuesdays we have toddler story time and craft time at our local library! We have our dates, and play dates and we spend the day playing and enjoying company. We are busy girls! These are the things I longed to do with her, the things only a mommy should share with their child. Child care although we appreciated it can never replace mommy. Isla is TWO. My baby is 2! Thankfully I only missed out on 8 months of her life working and making the trip home to see her at lunch, 8 months is a long time! I couldn't handle not being the one to feed her, or be the one she woke up to. It's my job! I quickly found out that mommyhood truly is a full time job. Even on my sick days I'm on! I complain along the way but you know what I am thankful!
Isla's development has amazed me and impressed me! Her sentences and the way she expresses her self is amazing! Its a wonderful feeling hearing from my loved once that since i have been home with her( 4 months) she has really blossomed that my love and lessons have made a difference and it shows in her demeanor and her talking skills. My husband and I often get complimented on her brightness and that to me is a compliment! Her tight loving hugs she gives me makes this all worth it! We have a routine and my daughter is a mamas girl and I love it! We play, we laugh, and we learn together because in her two years of life she has taught me about the world I already lived in. Amazing how that works! Your child opens your eyes to things we took for granted daily. Stoping to watch an ant crawl by and pulling over to swing on the swings. Or putting our rain boots on and splashing in the puddles! For all these things I am thankful! To my  husband... THANK YOU!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Friday, THANK YOU! Dear payday, thank you TWICE. Dear will power, i need you now, more than ever since i am going to attempt to regain my post baby body and the weight i was AFTER having isla you know after i dropped all the weight... iv strayed a little but i am not very far off... 110 here i come. AGAIN. Dear Husband, thank you for regaining you. Dear Isla, i think we are over all this sickie, lets keep it this way for a while baby boo! mommy loves you so much and although i love being home with you when you are sick but i like you healthy better. Dear upcoming end of the summer palms spring trips with friends, i CANT WAIT! Dear car, cant wait until we are reunited again. i hate relying on other people. Dear lunch breaks with my daughter, YOU ARE mine Daily again. Once this car is fixed. Dear 5pm, you cant come any quicker…
With love,

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

CO sleeping

We may need a bigger bed...
story of our life!

i love that my daughter has a crib, but i love it more that she sleeps with me. so many people point their finger and are against CO sleeping but this is the time i have with my daughter. being a working mama i feel that even when she dreams and i lay beside her we are sharing a bond. a bond i long for with her. We may those nights of crappy sleep more often than not but to me its worth it (sorry husband) my baby will NEVER BE THIS LITTLE again. EVER. so i am going to take advantage of it! people are entitled to their opinions and what works for us may not work for them so i say trust your instincts and do what you feel works. There truly isent a manual about how to raise your baby, you are the best judge. There  is nothing more i love than to read my daughter her bed time story and cuddle her at the end of the night. i love to watch her sleep and breath her in and see her little expressions as she dreams...

i really enjoyed reading this article on pinterest and thought id share CO sleeping is powerful when done carefully!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Being Married

my old soul couldn't agree with this anymore and its a great reminder!

I love being married.

i love waking up and he is the first thing i see. 
i love having someone to come home to
i love that when i need to talk and vent i ALWAYS have someone.
i love that i married my best friend
i love that i am able to be my self around him
i love that he knows what i am going to say before i do.
i love that he knows what to order for me. EVERYWHERE
i love that i have known and loved him long before our daughter arrived
i love the way he compliments me
i love how he makes me laugh 
i love that he thinks i am sexy when i am wearing no make up ;)
i love those times when he sends me a text just to say hi and thinking of you
i love that there isent more than an hour we dont talk during the day
i love that he still thinks of me when he hears songs like we are new love
i love that god chose him as my partner
i love that no matter what trials we face he is strong and positive

We have been been facing trials and we stand strong he sent me the you tube link to Justin Beiber "as long as you love me" and i literally teared up. (yes i love Justin Beiber don't judge) He is amazing and we see that light at the end of the tunnel. a marriage takes work and i intend to take on anything that comes our way with my partner beside me.

As long as you love me

Husband- Thank you for loving me! thank you for your patience, for the love, for making me are my world.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

chicken pox oh MY

So yes Chicken pox! baby Jesus say what?!?! my 23 month old got the pox (oh my gosh back up 23 months!!!! she is ALMOST a TWO year old!) So we had our selves a case of the chicken pox actually a " minor" case since she didn't have many blisters. weird thing is my daughter doesn't go to day care or really around other children. BUT we do go to park and grocery store so well i am sure it could have been either of those. so here we were sickie baby! mommy got to be with her for 5 WHOLE days so i was happy camper taking care of my little love! so Monday morning SURE WAS HARD to come back to work. i didnt want to leave my baby.. so here is a iphone dump! 

 have i mentioned my daughter snacks on peas?!?!  iphone emoji thumbs up!!! 

Being  a mommy means being afraid of the un expected and anything that can harm your child but you learn to stir up any ounce of strength need be to protect and care for your child. i would give my daughter my own life if it meant to save her million, trillions times over. this love i have for her is something so unimaginable, something i never knew could be this beautiful and this passionate.  she dosen't understand this yet but she is my world, my life, she is my reason.My heart explodes for her. blessed to have had the lord chose me to be her mother. times aren't always going to be easy but this all just comes natural once you are faced with anything. I am back at work and i get so emotional that i am missing these hours with her, but we are securing her future and i have to push through this because god willing one day i will be home with my baby(s)