Monday, June 25, 2012

Funfilled weekend

We did a whooooole lot!

Friday after work this mama got threaded! my brows got some TLC they have been screaming at me for three weeks!!! so done. finally. Went straight to the mother in laws and we had a fun little dinner. we had banana splits for dinner and i will get in to more details on tomorrows post about the inspiration! its was so neat and it was so yummy. We hit Golf n stuff our local Mini golf course! SO FUN! i beat the girls and my husband beat the fellas! 

We then went to our favorite Pizza joint and enjoyed my beloved salad! they have the best Salad bar! 
by this point we were all partied out so straight home to sleep!

Saturday was a busy busy day for the little and I.  We are getting ready for our trip coming up this week and have a million errands to run and we had a Graduation BBQ for a dear friend so we were on the clock. so what did i do? well i did a mommy naughty but it was awesome and i loved this little bonding time with her. We went to the donuts store and we had glazed donut holes and shared a milk! i had to sugar her up to get her through our day (this of course was after she had her eggs, toast, and oatmeal) its always been a little thing of mine i cant wait to make a little sunday tradition with her where we will wake up once a month or so and go to the donut shop and enjoy the delicious ness that are going to reside on my hips! YUM! We got through it and i was tired by the end of the day. We enjoyed some wine and some down time after Isla was down, and then mommy was down. 

She was saying "cheeeeese mama" SO cute!

with her god daddy up there. it was a blast! then night time care around and the sis n law and i grabbed a cheap and tasty bottle of wine and enjoyed some girl time while our boys went out to the pub.

so cute i walked out after putting isla down to her bottle pop'ed and glasses ready! LOVE HER!

Sunday very leisure... BEACH! i finally got some sun! so beach time with the bro and sis in law and hunny and cuddle time after with our baby girl. then this mama was so done! so early bed time for me!

and look at my little project i got to pull off in between the craziness! my DIY mint green shorts.white shorts that fit perfect. green fabric dye from michael's and voooooala! i couldn't find the perfect pair so i made them!

and some adorable shorts i couldn't pass up for Isla! :)

so that was it! full and fun! cant wait for later this week and traveling with our little darling for the first time. plane ride and everything!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

questions for isla

inspired by this 

So i thought to my self what would i ask my daughter... 

1. why do you tempt me so and pull me in to your comfy cozy zone when i put yo down to sleep and i end up falling asleep with you and get nothing done? :) not complaining actually!

2. why must you be so cute when i ask you to do something and you so sweetly respond "noooooo"

3. why do you insist on rejecting anything i offer you to eat? mommy is getting worried here!!!

4. you love to grab anything that is in a tube like vaseline, chapstick, TOOTHPASTE and apply it to your cheecks. why? 

5. why are you so dang cute i cant say no to you? 

6. what goes through your little head when you zone out? 

7. Why do you insist on putting your snacks next to you and you demand the lid so you can "cover" the bowl and end up dumping the whole thing! this always HAPPENS! 

8. Can you tell me why you must cling to me when you know i am about to leave back to work? you have no idea what you do to me!!! i can cry every time you cry when i leave!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

life according to my Iphone.

   if you look a my recent pictures on my phone you will find... 

Family little Graduation BBQ was attended. where i enjoyed my Bud light lime in a CAN! and watched as my husband played with our daughter! 

They seriously MELT my heart! 

i look at these pictures as well as these...

AND i see such a big girl now! really where in the world is my baby?!?! i am missing the little stage! i want her to stay this little... FOREVER! i know i have been saying this since she was born. NO MORE GROWING!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I’m scared.

I am not perfect and because I am not perfect I know where I have been and what I have done,  I am scared I won’t know how to handle a situation. I don’t know how I will be able to imply certain rules when I my self was guilty of breaking them as a young one. I was expressing my self to my best friend and sister in law this weekend about my insecurities and how I am going to be parenting my young lady and how I am I supposed to talk to her about “the girly things” I mentioned I didn’t want to be JUST her friend I said I have to be mommy first most importantly. Then a little 8 year old chimmed in and though  she would offer her two cents from said… 
1. don’t yell
2.  listen to her 
3. be her friend
 how adorable is that!?!?! I was literally brought to tears after her next comment “my mom is my best friend, she is my pal” little girls mommy, you are wonderful you are doing something right. Because all night that little girl was so good, and you can just see her manners. I made sure to tell her mommy what she shared with me and that it reflected in her.

Made me think though. I broke the rules, although I was able to talk to my mom about everything. I still was a teenager. I got a tattoo at 16 and I kept hidden from my mom until I was 18. By 18 I was CAUGHT.  I was still in school a high school senior. ( mom is Now over it though because I have 11) I WAS CAUGHT. I walked in one day AFTER an after school program and I was already in sweats because I like to be comfortable at that class since it was a class from 5-8. Back to my story I walk in and my mom is in living room and called me over to her. I usually will come in and greet her anyways so I come up to her and before my kiss she PANTS ME! OMG!!! Mom!!!! She started yelling at me and asking me if I was trying to kill her and why would I do that to my body. She was referring to my hip tattoo that I made sure to keep hidden even when I wore bathing suites, and undies. How in the world did she know?!?!  I was caught. NOW flash forward I have a daughter. Is she going to sneak out, get her belly pierced, and get a tattoo?! Who am I to judge when I have been there done all the above? OH right I am her mom! So I have to prepare my self. To be a sort of “hypocrite”. I mean is that the word I am looking for? My husband and I were discussing what to do with some of these topics. SO we are thinking when it comes to piercings I don’t want any on the face, but if she is a good kid, and has great grades, I am willing to discuss a belly piercing. We discussed make up, nails, and tattoos. Both my husband and I have them, SO I said as long as she is not under 18 I don’t want her to have them OR know.  SO hard to imply all these rules I have been known to break my self.  I know its going to be a hard road, but I am sure we can handle parenting Isla. My husband has great morals and values and I appreciate his input. This is going to be hard, but I feel if I talk her through it and break it down and be real she will be more likely to come to me when she needs help and in the end won’t be able to throw anything in my face. I think I will have a different approach than my own mother, YET I want to imply some of the things she taught me since well I turned out okay. So my little lady please be ready, and don’t test me so much. Please talk about me to your friends like that little girl did to me. Nothing would make me prouder. I hope that’s even  a word. :) 

SO Isla i am going to put it all out there NOW and when you come and ask me you can bet i will be completely honest with you, as i would only wish and hope you could repay me with the same token. 
  • iv pierced my nose and tongue. HATED it removed the tongue ring after 1 DAY i couldn't even eat a freaking french fry! i couldn't move my mouth. nose piercing after two weeks. i felt dirty. why i don't know maybe because make up would collect in it!?! who knows. baby god gave you a beautiful face please dont make any changes.
  • i curse.
  • lost my virginity at age 16 to my high school sweetheart. (four years with him) yes i loved him. we were smart. used protection. told grama about it. 
  • iv been in 4 accidents.
  • iv had numerous driving tickets
  • i did drink before the age of 21 but i am to this day not a big drinker so please please please be careful with what and who you decide to test with. 
  • YES iv tried drugs. Weed. we can discuss this when the time comes. 
  • i have snuck out to see a boyfriend. got a flat tire from the result of it drove it home on the rim because i didn't want to get caught. BAD CHOICE. my parents were worried SICK when i left for school that day and they woke up to a tilted van. i laugh now. 
  • i have 11 tattoos.  PLEASE don't cover  your self with them (i have NOTHING AGAINST THEM) i just think if you are anything like me you will try to be discreet about the placement and know they can be easily hidden, for work,school, or what ever is in stored for you. 
  • Like my mother ALWAYS TOLD ME "You can play with fire and NOT get burned"   take what you want from that, i took it as i can be around these temptations and know my limit, associate my self with people who respect my choices. EVEN when i said NO
    People that never judged me. 
  • Life is hard, and you have to learn who is in your life to be a great role and a life time friend. 
There you have it. i am not perfect, i don't expect you to be perfect. i want to show you the way to be a strong willed, wise, lady who knows her worth!  We will get through it all! you are going to test my limits i know this, i am prepared... iv been there. there is no topic off limits. you ask. i will answer. 

YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO THE SKY IS THE LIMIT well actually live life like there is no limit when you want to achive your goals. what ever they may be i stand behind you!


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

first ever Vlog!!! Heeeeere goes nothing!

AND i suck at it! which is why i dont make youtube videos!!! (been asked before to offer make up tips and product talk) i am too chicken. quiet frankily i didnt want to watch me filming this...
so i apologize for the quality as i was in my car!
high pitch, goofy, ethusiatic, very animated.
If you know me in person you know this is me! no front. talk with my hands and face!
so i am linking up with From Mrs to Mama and Raven! 

PS: this was towards the end of the day so i look all sorts of messed up!!!




Why I blog

i want to document our journey, have something i can redirect isla to when she is older and she will see her life in a timeline and see how much we love her. Be able to see what interested her mom and see how cool her mom was at one point. :) I also started writing her in a journal when i found out i was pregnant. i maintain and keep her baby book to date, adding as we go. Browsing around and seeing all these mommy blogs i said hey why not?!?! i wanted a sort of hobby and i started a make up and all things pretty blog and i found it sort of hard to keep up with it. So i figured id start my own mommy/ all of me blog. I get to talk about life, what i am loving and my obsession with mommy hood.  i already do other things i can add this to it. Now we have the ability to PRINT our blog and i plan on doing so. Its something so special so raw, its ME. When i am gone she will have all this. She will understand what she means to me and how she impacted my life. My heart is hers. I love my daughter more than there are words that could describe. EVEN then i think words lack intensity. There fore she can see the pictures, and read my words on a virtual level. Here is my very first post  to add MORE insight to us

This is me, and i love that technology makes it so easy to capture and keepsake a moment in your life. and who knows where we will be when isla is old enough to understand. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

It was a busy weekend!

Friday was a whirl wind! so busy! We were running around getting all the fun party supplies and baking supplies for the mother's in law's birthday celebration. Seriously this day was not log enough!!! I worked my regular 8 hour shift. i drove home picked up my "sis in law" and Isla and off we went! We got home about 10PM after all was done! We started baking. Dipping strawberries. baking brownies, and making a late late CVS run at 2:30 AM because we didn't have powdered sugar for our birthday cake! Which i have to brag was DELISH! and home made from scratch! SO oldies on Pandora and some wine got us through until 4:00 AM! YES we were up late! it was so worth it!

So we cranked it out! and got it done! woke up at 9:00 AM or so and went to the mother in laws house and decorated while she was out shopping. 

She loved it of course and we partied on....

Above our little outfits of the night... Isla looked adorable as ever! Shoes and dress from H&M! Mommy's dress i believe was from Marshall's! Cute right?! its the high/low style maxi dress and this is sort of tricky for the shorties (i am 5'3) it can cut you off if you don't make sure that the highest point is above the knee's so my wedges pulled the dress together and because their a a nude/taupe they elongated my legs some! Little miss hung out with us and since it was more geared towards adults i took her over to my parents house. i don't like her around drinking or when mommy is drinking so she was a happy girl to see her grandparents.

That was Saturday and it was a success. Sunday we had my little nephews birthday celebration. Pool party! pizza, cupcakes, and sun. it was so fun to watch Isla run around everywhere. Pooped us all out because we went home and napped from 5-8!!!! so it was a late night for us. she was in bed by 11!!!

It was a busy short weekend! We are gearing up for a family trip at the end of the month and we are excited! First aipane (airplane how isla says it)  ride with Isla!!!! cant wait for that!

with that said that was the weekend! hope this week is good to us!

What i left this morning!