And our Weekend looked like this
it was a gorgeous day so we took my car for a wash and came home put baby down for nap and as i cleaned out the inside of the car and re organize and replenish my must haves in the car i tanned. Husband and i enjoyed the sun and listened to some Pandora and laid on a blankie on the grass!
Saturday the husband and i decided to got our favorite Japanese Restaurant because i HAD TO HAVE sushi! iv been craving since forever! and its a win win for us he gets his filet Mignon and spicy chicken. We had our mutual friends join us so it was a couple thing. We then went to our local three dollar theater where you guessed it all showing are 3.00 and what plays there are the movies that just left the theater and going to DVD so we watched Project X and it was HILARIUS! so glad we only spent 3.00 on it!
LATER after the movie i decided i was way too Hyper and my inner Cereal QUEEN came out. if you know me you know that cereal is my favorite food! YES i can eat it morning, noon, and night! YUP. i was a bit hyper and i am sure the husband wanted to shut me up since it was almost 1:30 so we drove to our nearest CVS to get my fix! :) thanks hunny! We had not done that in so long!
We felt sorta funny leaving at that hour to go get something to eat since baby was with my parents for the night We felt like rebels! So funny how things change!
So here we have my outfit with my favorite mint jeans and nude pumps, my meal, and my night cap!

AS SOON AS I WOKE UP i went and picked up my baby at 9:00 AM! WE drove around for a little run few quick errands and to make up for leaving her mommy and daddy had to but her a new Diego DVD! SHE LOVES Diego! Sunday was WAY relaxed we ate, lounge, ate, lounged, played, shared some more cereal and called it a night.
Below is isla as she watched Diego with her yummy snacks, as she watched we cuddled, i ate lunch from out fav Mexican food place down the street and caught up on some reading.
Baby fell asleep and i ate some rasinets and touched up my nails

That's the most recent in my phone update!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend and ENJOY your week!