As i have said before i dont like to write or blog on my weekends, i love to give my daughter my undivided attention. The weekend for me is HERS. But tonight, tonight my little mama gave me a reason to want to express...
I love the way Isla's eyes are closed and she is falling in to her dreams and she is studying my face. See does this to me every night she will take her little hand to my face and truly caress it so softly. Maybe it's her way of making sure im still there. Its her comfort. I am her comfort. It's our time. Every night I lay isla down and cuddle her in our bed once she is in a deep sleep I move her up her crib. I guess it's my way to bond with her.... Sure I smoother her with love any time I get when she is a awake. I make sure to give her all my attention when I'm home. Since I work full time I try to make sure that we get our own time. When I come home it's Isla's world it's always her world. I live, breath for her. I come home daily on my lunch break. I get to feed her dress her and cuddle her to her afternoon nap. I then slip away back to work. When it's bedtime it's my time! My mommy And isla time. I guess I figure even though she is asleep she still feels me and it keeps us close. And she is relaxed and entering her dream land she is not anxious to keep exploring since she is walking and is our little explorer. We inhale at the same time and our breathing is in sync. It's where I unwind. I could be having the worst day and my daughter makes any situation better! Once I know she is in her deep sleep its mommy daddy time or what ever needs to get done. but before all that my bedtime routine with her is something that i treasure and dont rush. i dont care if it takes me an hour or two(although it does not take us more than an hour usually) We have our routine and isla is usually down now later that 8:30 when her teething is bothering her we get some middle of the night wake ups, but thats rare she is truly perfect! i cant beleive she is currently cutting 4 teeth. Nothing feels better than being able to have this time with her. I went out Friday night just Dinner with my girlfriends. I had a blast don't get me wrong but my heart was else where I was missing her. Funny how my priorities change... I am my happiest with my daughter and my husband. Where I get to play mommy to an adorable one year old who knows me by the name mama! To hear my daughter yell for me how she does with the high pitch mmmmmaaaaama she makes my heart skip a beat! The way her body molds to my body is so amazing. I love that I am the only one who can truly soothe her she loves when I caress her tummy and she loves it when I gently massage her little arms and tummy. I feel her playing with my face and her little hand feels heavier and heavier as she falls in to her little deep sleep. Mama knows best. I need her as much as she needs me for comfort and I love how things changed. My life is them and I wouldn't trade it for the world!
You are a beautiful mother - inside and out. It is inspirational to me how deeply invested you are in your relationship with Isla and Frankie. They are lucky to have you.
You are a beautiful mother - inside and out. It is inspirational to me how deeply invested you are in your relationship with Isla and Frankie. They are lucky to have you.