Friday, October 21, 2011

Why hello Mr. friday! thank goodness for you!

What This mama has been LOVING

1. i am going to start off with the Peeps people why!?!?! becuase holy mother of GOD these are heavenly!!! i am OBSESSED to say the least!!! i discovered these at my local 99 cent store during Easter time but they were original peeps shape covered in chocolate! i talked about it here i couldn't believe the yumminess that these suckers are! you can get them 2 for 1.00. pretty much blame these for the 3 pounds iv gained! Yiiiikeees! and well my little friend is supposed to make an appearance some time soon so i am doomed twice!!!!

2. since the little miss been sickie  this has been mommies best friend! can you say dark circle miracle worker?!?! its my holy grail! yeees i said it!

3. Scarves have been my go to since i have been wearing my hair up in a bun a-lot and i need something to pull me together. its been brisk and perfect weather around my parts!

4.  Since i am exhausted and have no time or drive to put my face on since i roll out of bed at the last possible second and still have been late to work everyday!  this eyeliner has been my go to! a little liner and mascara, concealer and blush and i am out the door!


  1. Hey,Nice blogs.. I'm one of the readers of your awesome post, is your baby Ok?

  2. She is totally better now sick wise, and after that little tumble she was fine right away! THANK YOU for reading my blog!!! :)
