Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Can some one please tell me how they get anything done?!?!?!

SO I am a full time working mama, I come home to a one year old. I came home yesterday  (Monday) looked at our bedroom and saw the mountain high load of clean wash that is piling up. I then walked over to the kitchen and found bottles that have not been washed. I thought to my self gosh woman you are so lazy! Got me thinking am I in one of those funks where I have been before baby where I had no drive or motivation? Well I know I am not fully there because my daughter is my motivation, and my drive! But how is it that I can’t get things done!?!?! How do those super mommies do it? The ones that don’t have nanny’s and have those neat blogs I like to follow and I see and read all about their accomplishments! I sometimes can’t get around to a freaking shower!!!! I normally have to wake up an hour before I normally would just to fit in some quick tiding up, or a shower. I feel like I have put things on the back burner and that is usually anything that has to do with ME aka Mommy!

 I can’t complain though my daughter is well taken care of and her stuff is orderly. There are times I feel like “didn’t I just dump out the diaper genie?!?!” how do these fabulous woman get things done with their little’s in stow? i have a husband who I am sorry to say at times is really no help and often left cleaning up after him. IS it because these lovely ladies have husbands that actually help? As much as I try to discuss this with him and ask for help I usually will end up reaching my exploding point and we fight. I can’t walk him through what needs to be done. A few weeks back I remember expressing how I was so overwhelmed with this birthday planning business and he left me to go to a football game and was NO help at all. Yes things like this make it so difficult! Or how sometimes I would love for him to out of the blue offer to take Isla and let me sleep on my day off instead he sleeps in until 12 or 1. This is the life I chose and I would NEVER trade it for the world! I love doing anything and everything for my daughter. I truly enjoy it so I fall in the back burner. I feel like all I want to do when I get home and until that little girl goes to bed I am in her face because I don’t get during the day with her. Her great grandmother does (yes my husbands Grama watches our daughter that lady is super woman) so I try as soon as I am home to not let ANYONE else help me or do anything for her. Am I wrong? I mean it’s not like the husband really jumps at the idea of oh no honey don’t worry ill wash her bottles tonight. Or oh no honey don’t worry ill dump out the diaper genie anyway.  Or best yet do I have to ask shouldn’t he know things don’t get done all by themselves?  Then I am still expected to be full gear cuddle fest and maybe some under the sheets fun after all is said and done for the evening. YEAH FREAKING RIGHT! You think after a stressful evening of NO help from the hubby I am going to want to put out! Ohhhhh husband you have a lot to learn!

 Iv learned to in order to keep things peaceful I just do it. That is wrong but I do it! It won’t get done with hopes and dreams now will it?!? SO it brings me to my next thing. I am super super super organized when it comes to schedules and appointments. So in order to keep my self put together want to know where I am able to do my nails and let them dry without the one or the two smudges… in the bathroom at work! Yes folks at work, I pluck my eyebrows, do my nails, often do my make up. That is so lame that I have to resort to that. Geeze I am hopeless. It works though, my work is done and I often find my self with so much free time why not my nails do? (The boss would prob fire me if he read this) yikes! Where am I going with all this? Well I decided I need some structure in my life, I need a husband who is helpful at home even if it’s watching Isla while I do all the work. How do I intend on doing this you say, I have no clue but I am thinking I need a chart or something? Lol! I feel like I need to put more time in effort in to ME and get me back to feeling like my self and not let my self go the way I have been lately (not weight wise but maintenance I guess)

Any suggestions as to what the husband should be in charge of?  I mean what does your husband/boyfriend/lover do to pull their weight?


  1. You are not alone. I feel the exact same way. Wish they would just offer sometimes without me having to hint or ask. I think its common for first time moms and dads. But I'm trying to figure out how to get it through that i need help. When I figure something out I'll let you know. ;)

  2. Oh honey i can so relate to this. I'm a SAHM & I still can't get everything done let alone paint my nails! In the beginning I tried to be super mom and do it all myself & now my hubby is spoiled. Idk what to do to fix it either.

  3. I have the opposite problem. My bf is so anal that he can't relax until everything is clean. It's nice because he helps out a lot, but sometimes I feel lazy even though I do 90% of the childcare. Sometimes I wish he would stop cleaning and hang out with us more. To get your husband to not sleep as late, I would just barge in there around 9am. When I've been up since 6am, 9am IS sleeping in for my bf, and that's all he gets! That may not be the best solution for you though :)
