Have you ever sat with your little and watched a full episode (or as much as their little attention span can take) and actually watched? WOW I was alarmed at what I perceived from some of these messages or what my impression was after I sat there and processed it. So there is this show I absolutely LOVE the intro to it and often stuck in my head all day at work its from
3rd and bird heard of it? Well I thought it was sooooo freaking cute it has several different type of birds and they have the cutest British accents I thought It was so stinking cute! Well the husband and I were talking and shared we both have actually been a victim of getting the song stuck in our heads! Can you blame us? its adorable! and catchy!!! Well this show from what I have seen actually talks about and teaches the child some very sweet lessons. I actually approve thus far, well there is this other one. It’s called
Small potatoes again cute accents and I heard the song and never really sat and watched an episode so I shared with the husband and we actually youtube’d an episode. I was in a trance all the colors and tie dye and the floating potatoes really disturbed me got me thinking WHAT IS MY CHILD WATCHING? Now Isla does not really watch too much TV, if she does its baby Einstein’s, or veggie tales, she loves
Mickey Mouse club house but really what kid doesn’t? So we allow her to watch Mickey because she gets so excited when she see’s Mickey walking up the path, if you’re a parent or have seen clubhouse than you know what I am talking about. Yea well her face lights up!!!! Now I don’t feel she is really learning anything from clubhouse Disney but she enjoys it. The colors, the characters. I don’t mind her watching
little Einstein’s because although it is geared for the older tot I LOVE the history behind it. They have an artist of the day and a musician of the day. I think it’s absolutely awesome! SO let’s see what else Isla enjoys….
Agent Oso is al little annoying “more or less” lol that’s a quote he always says, well to the husband, i actually like the show! I like the show’s concept agent Oso helps two children per episode
learn basic stuff for example tying your shoes, helping with folding laundry, how to say your sorry and some other neat things kids should learn.
Like what to do in case of a fire, practicing a fire drill. Good stuff! He does things in 3 easy steps which grab’s the child and keeps their attention for a short span which we know is usually how it goes. SO back to small potatoes now this may be my adult brain but I found it rather disturbing actually like a lot I didn’t like that the potatoes where floating and the colors and the whirl thingy behind them was a bit much for me.
This episode was a little much. So I told the husband that’s it no more small potatoes! See we don’t use TV as a tool of distracting but a tool for learning and as far as learning I mean only certain shows. To be honest she really does not have the span to really sit there in front of TV anyways so I am not worried. We always make sure when there Is background noise that it is kid friendly, as some family and friends already know when in my car there are only fisher price tunes 50 songs of PURE child delight! Believe it or not they pick up ON EVERYTHING. Quick story:
I let Isla distract her self with her can of snacks you know the crunchies well I look over at her and realize they were all over the floor and I took it away, put on the lid thinking I must have loosely covered it. Gave it to her and watched her secretly and she used her brand new teeth to pop it open!!!! Where on earth did she pick this up from!?! Well as I was heating up some veggies for her and I was not able to open it so I used MY TEETH to pull the label over the little tub and LIGHT BULB! I taught her! WOW! She picked up on this so well! See babies are genius! They are sponges!!!!
So I make sure to only allow limited time for TV and ONLY things she can learn from educational!
DO you let your baby watch TV?
ps: and if you watched the video i linked PLEASE share your thoughts and perception. I mean i like what he talks about, but dont like the delivery.
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