Okay so this weekend one of the movies we watched was Stepmom, I am such a sap and this movie totally got me thinking… if you have seen this movie I am sure you agree the story line is awesome total tear jerker. If you haven’t seen it I highly recommend it to you. So Netflix or redbox rent whatever! Watch this movie! It came out in 1998, Susan Sarandon, Ed Harris, Julia Roberts are amongst the cast to name a few.
***Spoil alert if you haven’t seen this movie then skip this entry and scroll down to next paragraph
Jackie and Luke Harrison (Susan Sarandon and Ed Harris character) are a divorced couple struggling to keep their children, Anna (Jena Malone) and Ben (Liam Aiken). However, Susan’s character is diagnosed with cancer, specifically lymphoma, which is discovered to be terminal. She experiences a range of negative emotions, angry at the woman who she feels played a role in her broken family, and angry at the fact that after all of the sacrifices she made for her family, she will not even get to see her children grow up. Both Susan and Julia ( Isabel) character clash repeatedly, largely over Julia’s parenting. This becomes evident when Ben goes missing on Isabel's watch and Jackie claims that she has never lost him, which she later admits to be untrue. Yet they manage to call a shaky truce, as both Jackie and Isabel come to terms with the fact that the latter will soon step into the role of surrogate mother. The two women finally bond with each other when Isabel reveals her admiration of Jackie's maternal instincts, while Jackie in turn compliments Isabel's hipness as a means to connect with Anna. Isabel finally lets her guard down when she tearfully tells Jackie her biggest fear is that on Anna's wedding day, all Anna will wish for is her mother's presence. Through her own tears, Jackie says her own fear is that Anna will forget her. (I copied this exactly from a website which I will be crediting and offer the link
The ladies learn to work together and come to terms as to what the reality of the situation will be. TEAR JERKER! I love this movie in all its context so if you watch it and don’t like it please don’t hold it against me its simply a suggestion.
themoviedb.org |
(Safe movie spoil free zone)
Any who this really got me thinking. Iv expressed this in an earlier post you can find it
here A while ago I was getting our paperwork in order in preparing for our upcoming flight to Denver Co, well I decided to write Isla a letter just in case something were to happen to me. I am going to ask for her beneficiary to give the letter and the journal i have been keeping for her since we found out we were expecting. i ask they give to her when is old enough to understand. It’s a scary thought that I may not be here for her one day. I am sad to think my daughter will go about her life without me in it. I wanted to be sure to leave a will where I state who she will be with and what my wishes are for her, certain info on her life policy my husband I created for her along with information about our own life insurance. This is all a very scary thought because before Isla all this never crossed my mind, no one ever needed me the way she does. Now she is my reason for living and and doing what I do for her.I have fears like the ones expressed in the movie of not watching my daughter walk down the Isle I cant fathom the thought of her forgetting me. We are in gods hands and I believe we all have a life plan so how ever and when ever my time is up I want to be sure to able to feel like I have taken care of my daughter in the way of leaving her set up financially and given her ENDLESS amounts of love. This is WHY I take all those pictures, why I write all those entries in her journal, why I stop WHATEVER I am doing to spend another minute with her. I want to create memories for her she will have for a life time. I wrote my husband a letter too, I asked him to move on BUT to make sure that no matter how in love or what the situation may be that our DAUGHTER is priority number one and NO CINDERELLA! I have no doubt he will respect that. Life has its up’s and down’s I never knew the value of life until I met my daughter and now I strive to live until I am 100 plus I don’t ever want to be with out her, or her with out me. “no one loves you like I do” a line the little boy tells his mother” OMG! Tear! No one can care or be patient as I am with her. This little girl is my world she is the reason I breathe. So I did what I can, since I can’t predict the future, I have set up her future and the best thing I can do is live in the moment with her and my husband. My little family. Tell me what are your fears?

Step mom
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