I love to hold my daughter. There aren't any words to describe the overwhelming feeling that comes through me. This feeling i have never felt. Today i am working on my daughters first birthday! where on earth has the time gone can i please stop time... NOW i miss my baby i mean she is a baby but my baby is steps away from walking. i am proud i am sad, happy, i am emotional. its bitter sweet feelings. She is my world I look at her and I want to cry. I love the way she wraps her
body around me, I love the way her little frame takes over the whole bed, I love the way she is asleep and she babbles, I love how she show’s me she loves me! It's still amazing to me that i made her. I love the fact that she is mine forever! AM i selfish for wanting to keep her this little. i say selfish because if i were actually able to keep her this little if say i had a time capsule or a time machine best your bottom dollar i would! WHY? because my daughter will NEVER be this little again! NEVER! i will never be able to hold her as i do now, she will never fit the length of my arms again, she will never be able to climb on us the way she does, i wont ever hear her little babbles anymore, i will never be able to fit her into her little adorable baby outfits of hers.she will never need me like she does now. although i say this i have fantasies about her being older and enjoying our day out shopping and grabbing lunch, doing girly things i can share with her.It wouldn't be fair because we brought her in to this world to be able to share our love, the experiences, to be able to watch her grow and be proud of out accomplishments. what i can do is cherish each and every second god gives me with her to its full extent NEVER take for granted what we have. Lord you have been so good to me and for that i say THANK YOU! My heart is complete and she is the reason i believe in miracles. SO i will continue to mold her and teach her the ways to you lord. Let nature take its course.
how cool is this!?! i looked on my FB this and saw this on the right hand column and thought it was so neat! i never noticed until today i am going to look forward to looking at it daily now. So for now i think with some of my post i am going to include this little "on this day in 2010" flash backs only if they are worthy of sharing because god knows some of the things iv said in some of my status's LOL!
On This Day In 2010

Dayana Benavidez
I feel truly blessed surrounded by those i love! Isla has already changed us we already live on her every movement! i cant imagine what it will be like to finally hold her!
I simply cant wait! ♥
I simply cant wait! ♥
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