Friday, August 19, 2011

Frustrations rant life is not always smooth.

Why can’t I seem to be able to squeeze in my magazine subscriptions that have been piling up for the past two months?

Why isn’t there enough hours in one day

why is there not enough room in our closet?

Why can’t I seem to keep our living head quarters clean?

Why is it I wash bottles to find two more that need to be washed?

Why must I be at work when my heart is at home?

Why is it that when the hubby comes home from work he expects dinner and  plays with Isla for a few then is off to do what he wants for the rest of the night with a little interaction here and there and I am left for the feeding changing, and putting to bed? I mean I loooooooooooooove to be the last one she sees but I work too I am exhausted! And THEN I still have to wash bottles, dry them, organize for the next day, and clean or wash whatever. Then once I am finally done he expects some loving! Really?!?! I want to flip through my magazines without getting my boob grabbed or my ass rubbed. Ugh. Really!?!? You think you deserve MY undivided attention now? Where are my needs? My needs don’t require sex or sexual motions. Geeeze!

Why does he get to sleep in and take naps when he wants and I am left with no support on our days off? YOU know sometimes I wish he would be considerate and be like “why don’t you let me take her mama take a nap” NOPE. His excuse she only wants you, but its because she knows I am the one to offer what she needs and gives her my undivided attention! So I tend to my daughter and enjoy her company when I feel like we should be up and about taking her out as a family instead he sleeps his morning/ afternoon away.

We are normal. We fight. We laugh. But with everything I know that we are always there for each other. I love the fact that he knows me the best and that I can say and do mean things and he is always forgiving. I like to paint a pretty picture but some days is not always pretty, but Isla she takes me out of my funk all I have to do is look at her and my anger or what ever is gone! So I do it all I take it one step at a time and instead of bitching as I am known to do I handle it all! My job never ends, I don’t have a clock out, I am a mother. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I don’t mind all the sleepless nights, I don’t mind having to stop reading my book right at the good part, I don’t mind that I can’t even flip through a magazine. I don’t mind I can’t use the restroom in peace as sounds behind the door sound like they are falling apart. I love this life I am living; I strive to be Isla’s perfect mommy and Frankie’s perfect wife! They are my world and although I complain I wouldn’t have my life be ANY other way. Kicking and screaming, laughter and tears this is my life.

so i am off to enjoy my Friday! 
i am excited to spend the next two days with my loves! 

i am off to my Hectic perfect life!  

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