Saturday, September 17, 2011

Once upon a time...

Happy One Year Married Anniversary to US

Wow! its crazy to think back to this day and where we were and what we were about to embark on! I can’t believe I have been married to my best friend for a year now! Marriage bliss! And we have a little one to add to this now! Crazy that on this day a year ago we were walking in to the courthouse to have our selves a civil ceremony, not what we wished for but what we wanted! I am truly blessed and I know I sap about this often But its true and I will never tire of expressing this and thanking the lord above for him and this beautiful life he has given me! I am in love!  last night we were doing some organizing and we ended up going through memory lane by going through our “love boxes” we each have a box my box contains pictures, movie stubs, love notes, little things along the way I felt were special enough to keep. His “Dyna box” same thing but with a few other random me things he felt he wanted to keep. We looked through pictures and reminisce on how much we have done and been through these last 6 years! We wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love him with all that is me! We share so much together and have so much fun! We enjoy our time together! We play and keep things light! When times are hard which we are actually currently experiencing some hardship But we are that much more united and we know that all will be okay and that this too shall pass. I love how he loves me and love that we have our daughter as proof of the love we share. She is our entire world! Last year I was 36 weeks pregnant and anticipating her arrival, this year she is here with us shy of a week to turning ONE and we are celebrating together! The three of us! A marriage takes work and with work comes reward, she is our reward. our relationship in not perfect but we work at it, "never give up,never give up, never give up" - Dodson Skaggs. we were just at my our best friends wedding this past weekend and the bride's daddy whom i love gave a speech and in his speech he made some analogy's and  the "never give up" stuck out to me. It is so true he spoke so wise fully and from the heart no note cards needed. and he is so right! We aren't perfect but we cant ever give up, we are fortunate to have our life and i treasure each day. A marriage takes three: and with the lord in our court we can make it through with faith "I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live". I am his rock and he is mine. He will be there when i fall  i know this. I admire my husband for the way that he thinks. HE knows how to handle a situation and is nothing but wonderful. He brings out the best in me the way I do him. I have what he lacks and he what I we are partners. Lovers. There is no one else in this world I could imagine sharing this life with. I love his values, his goals; I love all that is him. I don’t know what today will bring but does not matter because we have today and for that I thank the lord. Another day with my soul mate. I have prepared a little something traditional to gift him and I hope today, tomorrow, and our future is WONDERFUL! 

Here is a peek in to our "fun" 
it was 2 in the morning by the time we finished our "photo shoot"

as tired as i may be the next morning it is ALL worth it!
We are nerds!

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