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"Draw a circle not a heart around the person you love because a heart can break but a circle goes on forever"... |
I love this life that i am living and i owe it all to H-I-M ♥
My poor husband, dammed if he does dammed if he don’t. Well at least I think that’s what he has been thinking lately, poor guy gets my raft often and is usually the one I snap at. I tell him it’s because I know he will be there and he won’t get offended. That is NO excuse! No one deserves to get the short end of the stick. He is just the one that is always there, we currently live with his dad and his grandparents we are hoping that before she is 2 we can move out. See my husband is going through school right now and we can’t afford to live on our own and with baby. Just yet but we are getting there and we WILL make it happen it’s what we both desire so much. We live comfortably but it not our own place so often I feel out of place or more like it’s not my place. This all take’s a toll on a relationship because there are different things that come in to play and interfere. I love my husband more than there are words to ever describe. He is an amazing loving father, Isla is very lucky to have him as her daddy. Although at times I feel like I am over worked and so stressed from the moment I walk in after a full day at work to more work. I enjoy this “work” I am referring to mommy duties. See I only wish I had more help or maybe shared help with the chores that need to be done since we both work full time. ALL I want is to be able to relax and spend ALL the time I have once I get home with Isla. I try so hard to have everything done at the end of the night after she is tucked in her crib and out for the night but as soon as I am done more things pop up! I love tending to my little family but there is pressure to keep things in order in that shared household since we aren’t the ONLY occupants. I know we shouldn’t let these little things come between us, and I know it happened spouses often fall off the same page from time to time and THAT’S OKAY we just got to get back on and work at it. A marriage takes work but the beautiful thing is we are united and tied in marriage. I don’t mind this at all I love that I have a husband, I love that I ALWAYS have his company. We often talk about how we love hanging out together and how we get to hang out with out best friend each and every day! I don’t think I ever really expressed this to him but I feel so honored that he loves that he has me every day! He tells me all the time how beautiful I am and how much he loves that he wakes up to me and knows I will always be there at the end of the day. 6 years in to our relationship and still I am not tired of him or he of I HUGE compliment because before me his relationships weren’t really founded on much and he has mentioned to me he never was this close or wanted a girl to be there all the time the way we instantly took to each other. He would always try and send them home after a few hours and with us we were and have been inseparable. We have the relationship that people would dream of, we know each other through and through and I LOVE THAT he know me so well, we don’t go more than two hours with out communication even if it’s a quick “life you” I love that we share every detail with each other with out skipping a beat when we can be together. SO I tell him:
yesterday the first text I received from you read: “in 16 more days we have been married for a year”. Married to my best friend! I look at little miss crawling and reaching for those DVD’s in the bookcase that I said “oh she wont even notice” and you so rightfully said “I don’t know about that” and I feel blessed that we made her together she is you and me in one forever we will share her. thank you for loving me the way you do and I know I have said some pretty hurtful things lately and you love me and love me and continue to love me through all this! Thank you so much for your patience in all my mood swings and mean words, I often find my self stressed and you tell me to breath, I just handle things a little different and you know this which is why I think your so patient with me. I LOVE YOU MORE THAN LIFE. You are my partner the one that was made for me. YOU are a great husband, provider, and daddy and above all you are a great best friend I love our relationship and the way we are “homies” and lovers you are my P.I.C (partner in crime) in all honesty I would be so lost without you! You are our glue that keeps this little family together. I am looking forward to these next days alone together with our upcoming trip but please be patient with me for this is going to be extremely difficult for me and leaving our baby. I might need you to hold me a few times to help me control these tears. But I will have you there with me to hold me and be my support system. Thank you so much for loving me and everything you do PLEASE know I do appreciate you so much and my life would be incomplete without you in it. I often don’t give you credit or praises when its deserved and I am sorry for that I do know how much you do for us and your care free attitude is actually very admirable you know how to make a stressful situation seem easy and handle it gracefully. I life you forever and I am so blessed to call you mine! Thank you for keeping me laughing, for making me feel sexy, for telling me what a wonderful mommy I am, for allowing me to be bitchy, and goofy at times. But above all that THANK YOU for giving me the ULTIMATE gift of LOVE, that GORGEOUS little girl that looks just like you! You two are my heart and without you I would completely and utterly lost! My partner for life! Here is to MANY MANY MANY YEARS to come! My life is BLISS and I owe it to you!
with endless love,
Your WIfe!
I enjoy Our times together...♥
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