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Our first picture together. |
It's been a year since god blessed me with the greatest gift ever imaginable. September 26th is a day that will forever be my rebirth; I become the mother of this healthy gorgeous baby girl who we named Isla! I remember the first time I heard her heart beat I was so floored and emotional I couldn’t stop my tears I was hysterical I couldn’t believe she was growing with in me! I was carrying her in me! This is very emotional for me! I CANT believe that she is one! Time sure does fly! I need a time machine so i can enjoy her in my present but be able to go back in time and smell her new sweet newborn scent. I remember the first time I laid my eyes on her, my heart stopped! I was over filled with and overwhelming feeling I have never felt! There are no any words to describe this love! I never knew I could love this way! I look at her and I am still in Awe! They placed her on my chest and I was just crying!!! Saying happy birthday baby and welcome to the world! I couldn’t believe she was mine! I created her! God chose me to be her mommy and I will take that role and go above and beyond for her. She exceeded my dreams and expectations of what she would look like! The most BEAUTIFUL baby I have ever seen there is absolutely NOTHING I wouldn’t give or do for that little being! This is the day I will NEVER forget! I loved EVERY SINGLE DAY, EVERY SINGLE MINUTE, SECOND, MIL SECOND, all of it! Staying up admiring our creation, the late night feedings, the comforting when she got sick that once as i said here the faces she makes at new tastes. I love being a mother there is no feeling that could ever compare to the love i have for my child, i heard about the bond and the love that you will feel but boy i am head over heels for her. My daughter is my whole entire world i don't know how i could have existed with out her. Now that she is mine i want her to live forever so i may be around to see her kids, and their kids! There truly aren't enough words for me to describe JUST how much i love her and how much she has changed our world! This little girl can brighten up my day with one simple gesture. I could be so tired, cranky, one look at her and all fades to nothing I discovered this strength in me I never knew I had she makes me happy and her love is so genuine and not comparable to anything in this world! I want to hold on to her and never leave her out of my sight; I am enjoying being a mother more than I knew I would I cherish all the times I have with her day in and out! I love to cuddle her and the times when she sits so still in my arms as we lay back and watch little Einstein’s, I enjoy every meal I feed her, snack time, play time, crawl time all my time with her. I love the way she loves me and the way she receives me! I couldn’t have imagined my world and my heart will never be the same again! Isla you have forever changed me in more ways than you will ever know! I thank god for you and for every day he gives me with you! You are truly my dream came true and mommy’s biggest accomplishment! My miracle, you are half of me and half of daddy! YOU ARE PERFECT god broke the mold when you came in this world you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. You mean most to me and there is nothing in this world that could ever keep from you not even death, because even when I am gone you will always have half of me in you. You are my creation. I thank god for you every day, you are my constant reminder of that because the lord is good, and he has been so good to me blessing me with this angel! I look at you and I can’t wait for all the memories we will share! No one else will ever know the strength of my LOVE FOR YOU. After all you're the only one who knows what
my HEART sounds like from the inside. To many many many more years my love! I love you through and through forever and ever! Happy Birthday Beautiful! Mommy and Daddy love you!