Tuesday, June 12, 2012

first ever Vlog!!! Heeeeere goes nothing!

AND i suck at it! which is why i dont make youtube videos!!! (been asked before to offer make up tips and product talk) i am too chicken. quiet frankily i didnt want to watch me filming this...
so i apologize for the quality as i was in my car!
high pitch, goofy, ethusiatic, very animated.
If you know me in person you know this is me! no front. talk with my hands and face!
so i am linking up with From Mrs to Mama and Raven! 

PS: this was towards the end of the day so i look all sorts of messed up!!!





  1. hi! stopping by from the linkup! you have the cutest voice! love your wedding ring, its beautiful! and girl you do not look like a mess at all!!!

  2. haha you are too cute! Aww its so cool to see and get a person personality. Love the jeans i need me some!!

  3. Thank you ladies!!!! You guys are so sweet! And too kind! It is so neat to "hear" what the face looks like! :)

  4. ok you are too cute, are you doing this vlog in the car? love that!! I can't tell you how close I was to doing mine in the car too just to get away from my kids ha!!

    ok so I still haven't read the fifty shades of gray yet. Im a little apprehensive of the whole porn aspect.......kinda makes me....uncomfortable ha!

    ok, there you just explained why you're doing it in your car :)

    LOVE your jeans. I have no colored jeans. I need to get on that.

    You are too cute! thanks so much for linking up with us!

  5. Raven- you are too nice!!! THANK YOU! yes i resorted to my car right as soon as i came back to work from my lunch break i was late by three minutes! i didn't want to sacrifice my lunch break i usually spend with my little! and was looking like a creep looking around and making sure no one is looking! hahah! i loved your video! your son is adorable!!! i want a boy!!!!

    well if you feel you would be unconfortable id skip this read, its a bit graphic! ;)

    thanks for the link up i had a blast breaking the ice!
