Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Boobie fed/ formula fed

I wanted to breastfeed my baby so bad! I even took a class before her arrival in preparation. I read everything you can think of! I was determined to give my daughter the good stuff to start her little life off healthy. Well my daughter was born 3 weeks early, and when she was born she had low blood sugar I tried to breast feed her when I was in the hospital but the nurse had me supplement with formula to get her sugar level up. This to me was torture guys! They kept having to poke her little ankle to check her sugar broke my heart when they kept pocking at her. Imagine coming in to this world taken away from their comfort (my tummy) to be pocked. Well by doing this she seemed to reject me!  This made me so sad! I worked so hard at it and even sought help from a lactating nurse and nothing. i tried those plastic nipples you put over your own and NADA! SO instead I had to pump to make sure she got my stuff! It was so painful and I credit my now mommy boobie to Medela lol!  Well I pumped for three months. It was hard to keep up with as her appetite grew and my boobies seemed to be giving out on me. I still continued to TRY everything to get her to latch and stay on, nada my daughter was stubborn and wouldn’t do it! I would frustrate her as much as I tried. So we made the sad transition to formula and I just knew I had to do what I had to do to take care of my baby. So I cleaned and put away Madela and moved on. SO (sorry I say so a lot) I decided I was going to make my daughter’s baby food so that I did! I bought all WHOLE food and organic veggies and fruits. Trader Joe’s is my best friend. I purred them and was very active on making sure Isla got NOTHING BUT THE GOOD STUFF! 

I made my daughters food with The Baby Brezza which was an awesome must have for me. It steams and blends it all for you. all i had to do was wash,peel,dice,let the machine do the rest. 
i then bought some neat containers from babies r us and stored the baby food i made up to 3 days worth. it was so easy for me. a little time consuming but it was great experience. I also added Formula to some recipes to make it a creamier blend rather than grainine and to make sure she got the most nutritional value.I really enjoyed this. I had a binder filled with great first stages foods, combinations recipes and even had them organized by months. for example 4-6 months recipes, 6-8 months and so on. I listed on the front tab what fruits and vegetables i had introduced and what she was not allowed to have yet. it was serious business buddy! SO this is the machine

 it was AWESOME! i made like i said 3 days worth in fridge and stored some in freezer. I was very much involved! i was  even approached to be have  a little feature in the Baby Brezza cook book. They arranged a photographer who came to my home to take pictures of my me making it for my little baby and my little family and took my favorite recipes  i did with baby and included it in their book. its still in the works and i cant wait to see it! Sometime this February last i was told.  Cant wait for that! and if you are a new mom reasearching to make you rown baby food i suggest using this system. They have great customer service and get back to you RIGHT AWAY! i loved it! i enjoyed making all these for her. 

(i was not paid or sponsor to write any of that reviews for them this was not meant to be a review on a product simply sharing what i alone researched and used)

I kept this up until we transitioned to more table food. Even still I offer her organic everything. I will steam her veggies for two days so it is easy to just warm up and serve. She loves her peas and she loves bananas. I always make sure to have in stock. I give her options that are healthy with very little real people junk food. Isla knows her cupboard very well… she knows where to go to get her yummies. So on the bottom self I usually will have her little snack dishes already pre made with her puffs, little graduate crunchies, yogurt melts, cheerios and such well with in her reach because now in days she usually helps her self. My daughter quickly learned how to pop off the lids off these suckers since she got teeth!!! So to say the least she can literally help her self so what I do is  I have snack size portion in the little tins where the baby food comes in the plastic ones like those. I wash them out and throw them out weekly so we just re use them, and man does she just goes to town. My husband and I feel if we allow her to help her self with her snacks it will encourage healthy snacking habits later in life. It wont be something that was off limits and when she got it she over does it. Like this it’s always around and she wont have that habit. We use moderation and always offer good choices.  We make it accessible and its always there for her. I make sure to refill for her daily.  My daughter doesn’t really drink juice at all. Isla doesn’t really like it to be honest. A lot of water and moooo milk! So with the New Year in tow I had decided on structure so with that comes organizations I am hoping to keep planning out her meals. I truly enjoy making meals for my daughter and being able to offer her the healthy choices. I want to give her the best start at life. I love being able to know what she gets in her tummy. Although at times I don’t always knows because other people like grandparents feel like they can offer them “sugar” treats and such because they are Grama and grandpa and its their fun with spoiling Isla i dont really mind becuase well poor kid if she never gets to taste real sugar, and real junk right?!?!  so that’s okay as long as I am setting the standard and the husband and I are both on board with that plan. I try and get inspired and look up great recipes to feed her and change up her menu to keep this lifestyle going. With that said this part of my life is going accordingly.

I used this to help me make the purees's

and now its getting fun! i get to do things like this ^

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