Friday, April 25, 2014

Happy half a year to our little Ezra

Ezra Ezra Ezra... 

You are growing so fast and I just can't believe that you are six months old now that we have been blessed to have you half a year! 

You are weighing 14.11 pounds and are 26.8 inches tall and that puts you in the 88th percentile you are growing so beautifully. You are still in size 2 diapers and wearing 6-9 month clothes. 
You are really teething now. You have been so drooly and now more than before. I think I can almost see something on your bottom right side of your gums. Maybe. It so neat!
 We started solids last week with cereal and you hate it! I have been doing cereal everyday as we keep practicing but you just won't budge. So we moved on sweet potato and nothing. Oh well I'll keep at it. Ezra you are such a strong willed little girl. You do things at your own time. Six months and you have yet to sleep through the night, makes for one tired mama. You go down at 8 and need a bottle at 12:30, 3:30, 7 am. 

You love to be in the know, which means a lot of baby wearing and a lot of entertaining you.

Daddy is your favorite person. It's so adorable to see you two together. 
You are very demanding which is you have earned the title of "the boss" it's so cute to hear Isla call uy the boss. She yells "mom the boss is awake" lol. If Ezra not having it NOONE is. 

Daddy and I have come to the conclusion that you will just be a stern little strong minded little thing. 
You have been sitting up on your own since 5 months. 
You love to yell
 And babble but mostly yell. 
When you want attention boy do you let us know. So impatient the way you yell for us to pick you up or do what you want. 

We love you so much little girl you have the most adorable little dimples when you smile and your laugh is the most contagious thing. AND your sneezes oh my goodness a Benavidez for sure. You literally warm up before a sneeze "Aaaaaaah cho" it's my favorite sound you make. 

You are very cuddly when I hold you, you love to lean in to me and snuggle your face in to me. 

We are so blessed to have you in our life little lady. Please slow down and stay my baby for a long time. 

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