Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Dear Frankie

I heard your ringtone at about 5:24 pm my time and instantly I couldn't believe it. My stomach started to tickle and I answered my phone and I heard your voice! Oh my god what a tease! You had bad cell service but it was enough to give me butterflies. At least I heard your voice and heard you tell me you were okay and that you missed us and love us. One minute is all I got but it made my week. That same morning after I made the bed I sprayed your cologne on my pillow. So random that when you called I was watching fireproof that couples Christian movie and my phone rings. I took it as a sign from god giving me hope and letting me know all is alright. Let's just say that night I had a good stretch of sleep since Ezra still wakes in the middle of the night 3 times but those 4 hours of sleep felt amazing all because I could smell you on the pillow that I was hugging. I miss you more than words can describe. I'm lonely without you.  Your letters have gotten me through a little I just can't wait until I can write you. 
The girls love you do much and are missing you too. Here are some pictures of our week. 
Our visit with cousin Eden :) 
I finally got to go to ikea and this is what Ezra thought of it :) 

At her 6 month check up :) 

This was the week ending on 20140426 :) getting some military training my self. Iv been reading a book called "married to the military" to try and gather some insight on our new life. I'm trying papa. 

I life you and I miss you! 

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