Thursday, March 13, 2014

A sunset forever captured

                 These California sunset may be numbered for our little family...

I love the way my life has beautifully changed. I'm having one of those moments where I am staring at a picture from today and realize "wow my life is so different" not in a bad way at all but in a lovely way. I am not saying at all that it's not right where I wanted it. It brings back the age ol question "where do you see your self 5 years from now, or even 10 years from now" well I'll have to get back to you on the 10 years in the year 2022 because  I did something cheesy and wrote my self a letter to be opened 10 years after I turned 25  to see how life has changed since then. I can't recall for the life of me what I wrote so I guess the anticipation game starts now. Kinda neat I should say. Back to a moment caught forever in a picture, particularly the one with both my girls. "My girls" I love saying that. I have two beautiful little beings who call me mommy or one that does and the other can't talk yet... Being she is 4 months old yet all her squeals, excited yells are just as sweet. none the less I am excited for the day I hear that word come out of Ezra's mouth. The way when isla called me "mama" for the first time. My heart literally skipped a beat and there were tears involved, happy tears of course. I still can't believe I am blessed to have them. I have plural now kid's not just a kid. How my life has changed is beyond enticing. I love waking up to my husband every day. He is my best friend, my soul mate. He makes this whole married thing you think about when you are young so wonderful. How this man loves me first thing in the morning in my unattractive state and tells me I am beautiful. He never fails to complement me at least once a day. Makes me think that although growing up is hard to do it is so worth it since the benefits are beyond rewarding and make life so worth it. Sort of like having children  and going through the whole no sleep thing as newborns and later in life their little tantrums and other issues they may face as they grow. Makes this all that much more worth it.The best thing is that I get to go through life with my best friend raising our creations. It's so nuts to think that my husband and I made these little girls. They belong to us. Half of me and Half of him.They are the reason I breath, they are my purpose in life. My husband and my daughters are my everything. Without knowing and just going with it the husband suggested to go to the beach and watch the sunset and of course like always I was more than willing to rush out the door at 7:00 pm just to beat the sunset at 7:42 that day. Blessed to live where we live and have the ability to do so. There is a calming feeling when we are at the beach I feel in tuned, must be the Aquarius in me. Now we get to admire these pictures and be taken back to that moment. That moment in where I think to my self this is what life is about, this is where I see my self 5 years from now. 10 years,20years,60 years. Surrounded by them and their lives god willing. I am right where I want to be and I am more than accepting and blessed where my life has taken me. I have a hard job. I love my job. I am a mommy and wife and I am damn good at it. I wouldn't trade my life for the world. Counting my blessings. I got three right here next to me.


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