Thursday, December 13, 2012

Isla is two (a draft post)

Looking and Admireing you as you spend the last few hours as mommys one year old! What a beautiful year it has been not only have we taught you about the world, but you have opend my eyes and taught me some very special life lessons. I cherish every minute I have with you. I love being your mommy. I work hard to show you how much you mean to us and how special you make our world! Words will never describe the emotion that runs through me on the day you made your entrance but mommy gets emotional. It's the day you came in to my world and the day of my re birth. I became a mommy. My favorite title. I love to hear you say my new name (mommy) it's the best feeling in the world. My whole life was turn around when you came in this world. It's amazing the change its been and yet how easy it's been. You are a very special little girl. You are very loved. Very blessed. I love you to the moon and back times infinity! I recall the excitement that went through me as I reached for you and helped put you on my chest for the first time. Immediately tears of joy streamed down my face as I glanced at all your perfect features. I knew more than ever in that instant that life will never be the same, that I would DIE for you. It was so surreal that I had a beautiful baby in my arms, in my care. It all seemed so natural to me. This year has been unforgettable! You learned your name, learned to walk, learned to use your words. You have blossomed in to this tiny little personality that I just adore! You are brilliant. I want the world for you. I want you to have beautiful memories and I want to give you everything I am. My life is yours. I owe you my life. One day you will understand my love for you and you too will see how beautiful this life can be! I love you forever...

“life will never be the same,Because there had never been anyone like you… ever in the world"

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