Monday, March 5, 2012

It was a GREAT weekend!

I had a great weekend. Filled with a little of this and a little of that BUT not enough baby. :( i beat my self up too hard when i leave isla for some adult time. I HATE it. There i said it! (sorry husband) We had a date night planned for dinner and a night out. a FULL night. baby stayed at Gramas and Grandpas. This is always hard for me but husby requested and i KNOW its needed. I work full time so my time with my daughter is Priceless.We did Dinner at our fave sushi/tempa place and went to a dive bar. quickly left and went to one my husbands best friends house, her place is near the dive bar so we just walked! i also baked the ever so yummy Oreo stuft chocolate cookies! YUM!  

Also Sunday i woke up and met up with my girlfriends for a birthday brunch and mimosas! it was perfect! after brunch i quickly meet up with my husband for some sun rays. HE was at the beach already so i drove there and met up with him for a little. QUICKLY and not fast enough after we picked up our baby! Grabbed dinner and The rest of the evening was slow! We played and i Isla and i shared a bath together! ate some snacks and she was in bed by 8! sort of made me sad she slept so early not enough time with my baby!!! BUT its okay it about quality not quantity! 

 i did a little tidie up and the Husband and i watched our Sunday night line up, washed face and struggled to keep my eyes opened. SO i fell asleep on him. 

and to end this a quote and a FACT that i sent to my husband :) 

Have a great week! 


  1. I pineed the 1st quote! Oh my that applies to me more oftan than not I look back at something dumb I said and want to kick myslef for it!

    1. i am very guilty of it!i make sure to work on this more than i have in the past! good thing to keep in mind. :)
